ProTip: You CAN be arrested for sharing your own sex tape

ProTip: You CAN be arrested for sharing your own sex tape

It’s a lesson that 20-year-old Samuel Kane Hollie just learned the hard way – sharing a sex tape of you and your ex can be illegal. Samuel Hollie was taken into custody Tuesday night, after he admitted to sharing a video of his ex girlfriend “performing fellatio” on him, according to an affidavit filed overnight.

Hollie, who has multiple previous assault charges against his ex girlfriend, including one grand-jury indictment, had previously used the ‘sex tape’ as leverage so that his ex-girlfriend would not appear to testify at an order-of-protection hearing, telling her he would release the video if she showed up. She did not show up, so the order was dismissed.

Police say that Samuel Kane Hollie shared the video of the sex act to a female friend named Kayla, who distributed it to other acquaintances of theirs, and eventually a screenshot of the video was shared back to the victim, who provided it to police.

It was determined that Hollie’s actions caused the victim to suffer emotional distress, and he was charged with ‘Harassment – Cause Emotional Distress, Intimidate, Frighten TCA 39-17-308(a)(4)’, and has a $2,000 bond.

We previously covered Ethan Loveless, who recorded his sex tape on snapchat and shared it, resulting in his arrest. He was charged with a felony, but will walk away with no conviction.


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