Man meets Woman on ‘Skout’ App for sex at Cayce Homes; Robbed at Gunpoint

Man meets Woman on ‘Skout’ App for sex at Cayce Homes; Robbed at Gunpoint

Early Sunday morning, before 4AM, Matthew Mahoney opened the Skout app on his phone, browsed a bit, and eventually agreed to pay 51-year-old Elizabeth Ann Brown $40 for sex with her at her apartment in James Cayce Homes in East Nashville. You may know Brown better by her Instagram name: foxyhotsex.

Inside the apartment was Elizabeth Ann Brown, two other adults, and her underage granddaughter, of whom she has custody. When Mahoney arrived, Elizabeth, who was wearing a bright blue tank top and black bottoms, met him outside to lead him into her apartment. The two went into her bedroom, and were there for a few minutes when the bedroom door opened and two black males entered the room and began to assault Matthew Mahoney.

One of the males, identified as “D”, had a black pistol and pointed it at Mahoney, while the second male, identified as Rayshaun Glenn, was unarmed. “D” demanded all of Mahoney’s belongings, and began to assault him with the pistol and punch him with his fists. Mahoney says that Glenn also assaulted him with his fists. Rayshaun located all of the victim’s belonging on the dresser, and passed them to “D” when he asked for them. “D” then pulled the victim off the bed, leading him by his shirt collar outside, where he demanded to know where he parked his vehicle.

Rayshaun Glenn

When Mahoney could not remember where he parked, “D” struck him again with the pistol, and shoved him to the ground before running back into the 613 South 7th St apartment. They would eventually locate his keys and car.

During this entire incident, Elizabeth Brown’s underage granddaughter was present, and witnessed the robbery, and participated in going through the victim’s car after he was beaten and robbed.

Police reports are conflicting on who was driving the vehicle, but agree that Rayshaun and “D” then took Mahoney’s 2007 Kia Rio and drove around James Cayce Homes before going to a gas station on Dickerson Pk near Riverchase Apartments, and then went to the Love’s truck stop where he got food from Subway. The vehicle was then returned to James Cayce where it was recovered at 5:23 AM Sunday morning. Another report also indicates that Elizabeth Brown is seen driving the victim’s stolen car. She pulls up and parks the vehicle on Sylvan St facing the wrong directly.  She then exits the car and walks into the breezeway of Building 72, where she was detained for investigation.

While Elizabeth Brown was being taken into custody, Rayshaun Glenn came out of the apartment and was immediately arrested on an outstanding warrant, and transported to East Precinct to speak to detectives. Glenn says he was an unwilling participant, and that Brown set the entire thing up, and he was forced by “D” to comply. Glenn admits he patting down Mahoney while “D” held him at gunpoint, as well as taking Mahoney’s iPhone and placing it in a bedroom closet.

All of the above outdoor events were captured on MDHA cameras.

Elizabeth Brown, 51, is charged with aggravated robbery, felony theft, and child endangerment, and is held on a $75,000 bond. Rayshaun Glenn is charged with aggravated robbery, theft of vehicle, and his outstanding probation violation. He is held on $115,000 bond.

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