Five Nashville Bail Bondsmen Arrested Friday

Five Nashville Bail Bondsmen Arrested Friday

Five Nashville Bail Bondsmen, including Michael Story, Donald Dixon (former DCSO), Courtney Poe, Tanya Mayhew Lawrence (former DCSO), & David Fletcher, were all arrested on Friday.

This stands out, because David Fletcher was a part of this group, and every bondsman in Nashville just got chills when they read that name. It’s in spite of a long-standing an order from Judge Mark Fishburn, who in 2009, forbid all bail bondsmen from using Fletcher, and threatening sanctions against those who do, as it’s illegal for convicted felons to ‘recover’ wanted felons in Tennessee. In addition to his felon past, he would previously head up a posse, who one witness described in a court filing “he was square-jawed and had a set of gleaming, pearly whites. He wore an expensive-looking jacket — maybe rabbit — which he pulled back at the waist to reveal a holstered pistol. He wore a set of chunky gold chains around his neck and looked sort of like a pimp”. That was in 2009. The year before, in Springfield, Fletcher went to nab a fugitive, and his posse kicked down the door to the wrong house, and then when the U.S. marshals came to his home with an arrest warrant, they found him with guns & ammunition, despite being a convicted felon.

As for the current charges and bondsmen, all five of this group that were arrested Friday were charged with aggravated criminal trespass, and felony vandalism $2,500-$10,000. This all stemmed from an incident in March on Home Have Drive, when according to police affidavits all five bail bondsmen appeared in a posse at the home of Hugo Salido.

They surrounded the house, and began bang on all his doors and windows, calling out his name, claiming he had a warrant. He did not answer the door, being in fear for his life, as he did not know who these people were, and they were not acting in any professional manner. One of the bondsmen (and we use that term loosely since David Fletcher is included in the group) entered his closed garage, which is attached to his house, but climbing through a window, and began banging on the interior door to the kitchen, causing damage.

Another of the bondsmen attempted to open the rear sliding glass door with a screw driver, damaging the sliding glass door handle and window. Around the entire house, the posse was banging and pushing on the windows so hard that they broke them from the molding, damaging all the windows. Total estimated damage to the windows is $9,943. There were no trespassing signs on the property, and none of the five had rights to be on the property.

MNPD Detective Shannon discovered they were bond agents, looking for two people at this location. Charges were later filed, and all five were taken into custody Friday.

All five were released on the pre-trail release program, and will appear in court on 06/12/2018. In case you are not familiar with David Fletcher, here’s one of his many videos where he says you may have to “kill many people in your path” while bounty hunting:

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