Dear Drunk Guy, Here’s what happened while you were passed out in East Nashville

Dear Drunk Guy, Here’s what happened while you were passed out in East Nashville

At 3AM Sunday Morning, Alaina Morrow was delivering for Uber Eats in East Nashville when she was parked at a stop light near 5th & Shelby. While stopped, she observed two teens rob a man that was passed out on a nearby sidewalk. She notified police, who would later arrest the drunken man for public intoxication, taking him into custody, for his own safety. The teens would not be located.

At the time of publication, Alaina still doesn’t know who this man was, and the man probably has no idea what happened to him before waking up in jail, or what happened to his wallet. After some research, we were able to learn his identity, and hope to connect these two, in true Nashville fashion.

Cody Lindsey, meet Alaina Morrow. She’s the one that contacted the cops and got you help before anything worse happened to you, after you passed out in the non-tourist part of town. Alaina wrote an open letter to you, which we present below:

Although Lindsey was arrested for public intox, it was mainly because he was determined to be a danger to himself by remaining there, so he was allowed to sleep it off, and was released from jail just before Noon on Sunday, with the charge dismissed. So there’s some good advice, Cody – don’t pass out in the projects…. and welcome to Nashville!

Here’s the text of the letter above:

I hope you may see this post or your family. I was doing UberEats delivery in East Nashville and on my way back up on shelby and spring st was waiting for the light to turn green. It was 3am in the morning. I saw two teenagers walking and they was looking at something. The one friend said check see if he has any dough ( Money) I watched the boy quickly go through your pockets and walk away with your wallet.

I hurried up and turned around as there was a cop next block down. I told the cop what happened and I followed the officer trying find the two teenagers but they disappeared. Then I showed the officer where you are passed out. It was hard for the officer to spot you as you blended in well on the ground against some material. Even I didn’t spot you until after I realized the teenagers was robbing a man passed out on the ground.

Another officer car came well to try wake you up but you did not move. I hope you are ok and I hope you get to cancel your cards before damage is done.. Yet I wonder if you are ok? I Can’t sleep as keep thinking what happened.. I wonder if you was just drunk and passed out or passed out from the heat.. I pray you are ok and home safely.. I

f it was because you was drunk I hope you Learned your lesson don’t pass out next to the projects or anywhere that is because now your wallet is gone as well as your money if you had any.. Lucky and blessed you are that I spotted you yet not lucky for losing your wallet to two teenagers that didn’t have any concern for your well being.. Sad to be honest there not much humanity left yet lot people probably saw you and thought you was homeless. So they just passed you on like you meant nothing…

Next time it would be better to take a uber or lyft home then walk drunk if that’s the case.. Don’t walk home drunk.. Well have great weekend and good laugh passing out at the projects..lmao…

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