Singer/Songwriter Jamie Burke Arrested on 2nd DUI Charge

Singer/Songwriter Jamie Burke Arrested on 2nd DUI Charge

Nashville Singer/Songwriter Jamie Rebekah Burke spent a few hours in jail on Memorial Day, as she was being processed for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. She was charged with DUI 2nd, as she was convicted of a previous DUI in Nashville in 2012.

According to a MNPD report, Jamie Burke was driving on I-40E when she changed lanes in front of a patrol car, when there was not enough to do so safely. Once in front of the patrol car, Burke accelerated quickly, and the officer paced her as fast of 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. It was also noted that she had trouble staying in a lane, as she was swerving from side to side.

The officer initiated a traffic stop on Burke, and she continued to drive to a parking lot, where she parked crooked in a parking spot. Upon contact, her eyes were bloodshot, watery, and the officer could smell alcohol coming from her breath.

Jamie Burke said she had “two drinks” earlier in the night, and agreed to perform SFST’s, where the officer noticed several indicators of impairment. She also agreed to a breath tests, but failed to provide a sufficiant sample, despite 3 attempts. She finally consented to  blood draw to determine her BAC.

Jamie Burke was charged with DUI 2nd – as she was previously convicted of her 1st DUI in 2012, when she blew a .134 BAC. She was released on the pre-trail release program and will appear in court on 06/12/18. For her previous DUI conviction she was given 48 hours in jail, and 11/29 probation, with a $350 fine.

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