Ladies, it’s official! WKRN’s Neil Orne signed marital dissolution agreement after 14 months.

Ladies, it’s official! WKRN’s Neil Orne signed marital dissolution agreement after 14 months.

After a fourteen-month protracted battle, it’s official. WKRN’s Neil Orne and his current wife finally both came to an agreement on terms and signed their marital dissolution agreement on Wednesday, and it was filed with the court on Thursday, it will quickly be combined into the final divorce decree and Neil Orne will be a divorced man.

In the terms of the agreement:

  • Wife is granted divorce from husband, on the ground of irreconcilable differences. (The amended complaint filed also cited ‘inappropriate marital conduct’, however that is since removed from this agreement).
  • Neil will receive his Lakemont Drive residence ($482,000 appraisal in 2017)
  • Neil will pay wife $52,100 equalization payment.
  • Wife will keep 2015 Lexus IS 250
  • Neil will keep 2015 Jeep Wrangler
  • Neil will keep 2007 Harley Davidson FLHRS Road King
  • Neil will pay court costs & mediation fees.

The martial dissolution agreement will be combined into the final divorce decree, and is expected to be accepted by the judge without any modifications, as both parties have waived full discovery in the agreement.

You can view the entire marital dissolution agreement here. While we’re not sure of his availability, one thing is for sure, he won’t be married now, something that has been 14 months in the making. Good luck, ladies!

So what does the Neil Orne package come with? He’s an animal lover!

Neil Orne’s Fur Family

He can cook!

He’s a looker, even with stubble and bedhead

Did we mention he’s a Preds fan?


Our previous coverage:

WKRN’s Neil Orne married his ex-colleague, Karen Higbee, back in 2014 – and the city was abuzz. It would seem that the honeymoon period didn’t last long, though. They couple would separate on March 8th of 2017, and his wife would file for divorce on March 28th, 2017. Karen Higbee Orne filed an amended complaint in May of 2017, and Neil hired a lawyer in August, and in the six months since the case was filed has been rather dormant… until now.

Neil is 51, his wife who filed for divorce, is 34. His wife alleges “Irreconcilable Differences” & “Inappropriate Marital Conduct”, in the amended divorce complaint. She states that he has been guilty of such inappropriate marital conduct toward her, that cohabitation was be “unsafe & improper”, according to the pleading filed with the court, and seen below.

In addition, the 34 year old wife notes the “large disparity” in their individual incomes, and states she is in need of alimony, including transitional alimony, in order to meet her obligations and expenses following the divorce. In the suit, she also asks for Neil Orne to be responsible for both of any joint outstanding debts in the marriage. She also wants half of everything else. In addition to all the above, Karen Higbee Orne also states that Neil should continue to contribute to their joint bank account so that she can “maintain the statue quo”, including her living expenses and debts, as she is unable to meet her monthly financial obligations alone.

When the divorce was filed, an injunction was put into place by the judge that prevented any changes in insurance, and to maintain the current standard of living.  In February of 2018, His wife, Karen Higbee Orne, discovered that Neil Orne had removed her as a named party from the homeowner’s insurance, even though her belongings are still located in the marital home, and against the statutory order.

His wife also states that Neil Orne has dropped her from his insurance, in violation of the restraining order from the judge, as she recently discovered when her Dental Office advised her that her coverage was no longer effective.

According to his wife, Neil has also stopped contributing to the joint account, instead depositing his paychecks into his own private account, instead of contributing to her living needs.

Finally, his wife states that Neil Orne has recently change the locks on the marital home, denying her access to seasonal clothing, furnishings, and the ability to “periodically inspect the premises”.

Neil Orne’s first wife, Heather Orne, was his co-anchor on the news with him. His second Wife, Karen Higbee, was a producer at the station. Here’s the amended divorce complaint from his current wife:

The parties are currently waiting on a new court date for a hearing, as it has already been continued twice.



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