11 Campus Rapes reported to Vanderbilt University in past 60 days.

11 Campus Rapes reported to Vanderbilt University in past 60 days.

On Thursday, May 10th, the Vanderbilt University Police Department  was notified of a rape that happened on campus, as reported by a CSA (Campus Security Authority), which is generally someone other than the police (Counselors, Doctor, Deans, teachers, etc.) that is authorized to take the report under federal Title IX guidelines. This was the 11th report of a rape they had received in the past 60 days.

Often in these cases it is a student talking to a doctor or counselor or receiving treatment in relation to the incident, and that authority figure relays the report to the police department, keeping the reporter’s anonymity, if requested, as not all victims wish to have their case pursued, as allowed under the federal Title IX guidelines. Due to this, of the 11 reported rapes, only 3 of the cases are currently open, and 1 marked closed. The other 7 are ‘inactive’ with not enough information, or desire by the victim, to prosecute. VUPD is unable to provide details of these cases, under Title IX.

But not all rape reports come in via a CSA. Just the week before, on May 3rd, Vanderbilt police took a direct report of a rape that occurred on campus in the Morgan House Dorms, which is still under investigation.

Below are the sexual related incidents reported to the VUPD in the past 60 days. Rapes are in red, along with the date the report was taken, and the date the incident occurred, some including specific times, or a general range. Incident numbers in grey were reported via a CSA, and specifics of the detail may not be available via VUPD.

“CSA1” Reports from Campus Security Authorities (CSA) are typically reported to the Department of Public Safety with limited information due to anonymous reporting guidelines in accordance with the Department of Education Title IX provisions. In these instances, VUPD is unable to provide details about an incident.

2017 TBI stats for Vanderbilt show overall non-consenual sexual offenses where up by 16% over the previous year, however rape specifically, was up 50% over the prior year, with 6 in 2017, and 4 in 2016. We are already at 11 at this point in 2018.

Here are some breakdowns of the 2017 crime reports from Vanderbilt, for related crimes last year. In 2017, there were 17 non-consensual sex offenses, up 6.25& from 2016.

We reached out to Vanderbilt & VUPD for comment and further details, but they had not responded to our request at the time this article was published. Below is the entire VUPD incident log, as provided by VUPD. Reported rapes are on pages 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, & 24.

[embeddoc url=”https://news.scoopnashville.com/media/2018/05/vanderbilt-vupd-daily-crime-log-scoop-nashville.pdf” download=”none”]


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