Macy’s theft ring arrested. More Nashville #Boosterclub arrests on the way

Macy’s theft ring arrested. More Nashville #Boosterclub arrests on the way

On Wednesday, the third member that police say is responsible for a series of thefts from Macy’s department stores in Nashville was arrested. Zanisha Jenkins, who goes by ‘NishaPooh’ online was arrested and charged with two felony counts of theft. Her charge partners are Juwan Williams (Jade Caruthers) and Laronda Booker.

The Macy’s players:

  • Zanisha Jenkins (fb) (IG)
  • Juwan Williams (fb) (IG) (IG) (SC)
  • Laronda Booker (fb) (IG)

There are several other players from the #BoosterClub with charges pending for other retail thefts throughout Nashville. These are just the three that police have arrested for the Macy’s thefts. As more are arrested, more are identified.

According to police:

On 03/19, Juwan Williams, LaRonda Booker, and Zanisha Jenkins, entered the Macy’s at Rivergate Mall and cleared an entire clothing rack of merchandise, and ran out the store with it, without offering payment. The amount of the merchandise totaled $2,185.00.

On 03/26, Juwan Williams, LaRonda Booker, and Zanisha Jenkins, entered the Macy’s at Rivergate Mall near the fragrance counter. They gathered several items of Nike apparel and ran out the same entrance. The total value of the theft was $2,390.00.

What happens now?

Zanisha Jenkins is currently held in the Davidson County jail with 2 felony counts of theft on a $8,000 bond, and also has an out of county warrant hold for her arrest in at least one other county. She will have a review hearing tomorrow (Friday) in Davidson. She will be transferred to the next county with warrants once she makes bail, or serves her sentence here, if found guilty.

Laronda Booker was arrested on 2 counts of felony theft, and released on the pre-trial release program. She will appear in court on 04/23 for these charges.

Juwan Williams (Jade Caruthers) is currently held in the Davidson County jail with 13 charges, 8 of which are felonies. In addition to his $135,000 bond he has a no-bond hold on a charge, and multiple holds for outstanding warrants in other counties. He has multiple upcoming court dates, the next of which is a review hearing tomorrow (Friday).


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