Pearl Cohn student badly beaten, called slurs, by 34 yo felon William Benford while at School.

On Tuesday, William Benford, a convicted felon and parent of another student at the school, punched an underage student in the face, knocking him to the floor without warning. He then held him down by his hair, and continued to savagely beat him, while screaming “Faggot gay ass”. He was then able to flee the scene without being stopped by anyone.

On Tuesday evening, in the lobby of Pearl Cohn High School. Two underage seniors, a male and a female, were involved in a verbal confrontation only, and it was not physical, according to statements made in a police affidavit, and verified by security footage of the incident.

Without warning, the female student’s father, 34 year old William Benford, struck the underage male student in the face with his fist, knocking him to the lobby floor. As viewed on the security footage, while on the floor, Benford continued to assault the senior student with multiple closed fist punches to the face. At this point, the student attempted to get up, and William Benford held him down by his hair, and continued to beat him while yelling “Faggot gay ass, you hit my daughter”. The video shows that the student’s earlier altercation was only verbal, and the students never hit each other, despite Benford’s assumption.

At this point, William Benford fled the scene in his vehicle. Youth services were advised of the incident. The following day, Wednesday, a warrant was issued for Benford’s arrest. Late Thursday evening (03/29), he was taken into custody.

William Benford is charged with assault, and posted a $2,000 bond via Paul’s Bonding. He was released just before 3 AM Friday morning. He will appear in court on 04/13/18.

Benford has an extensive arrest history, with over 50 charges just in Nashville, including 4 prior arrest for assaults, multiple drug charges, and he is a convicted felon.

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