Nashville Man Does Cocaine, Hides in Grocery Store Freezer from Invisible People

Edward Vernell Claybrooks was found in the walk-in freezer of the Cee Bee Food Grocery Store just south of downtown on Tuesday evening. According to him, he was hiding from people that were chasing him with firearms.

MNPD officers were dispatched to the location, as employees reported Claybrooks has shut himself in the freezer, and stating that people were outside trying to harm him. Employees state no suspicious activity has occurred, and had no idea why he thought that.

Once officers got him out of the freezer, he stated there was people nearby ‘after him’, but according to officers there was no one else approaching the area. Officers had no plans to take him into custody, however when they attempted to leave the defendant began knocking on the windows of the cruiser, prevenging the officer from leaving, and obstructing him from leaving the scene. He was then taken into custody as he refused to move, and then admitted that he was using cocaine.

Claybrooks is held on $2,000 bail for charges of disorderly conduct and public intox.

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