JUST IN: Judge Dismisses The Dog Spot’s $2,000,000 lawsuit against bad Yelp review

The greedy asshole brothers that run The Dog Spot, Andy & Chad Baker, rightly had their asses handed to them in court this week – TWICE, in two separate cases, the judge dismissing both with prejudice against them. They keep trying to sue their customers that say bad things against them for millions of dollars. Welcome to America, boys, where we can say what we think of you. And we say you’re both dicks.

In June of last year, The Dog Spot filed a $2,000,000 lawsuit against a customer that left them a bad Yelp review. Yesterday, a judge dismissed the case, with prejudice, so it can’t be re-filed. Since The Dog Spot maneuvered to have the review removed from Yelp, we have chosen to re-publish it here, as it is now a matter of public record.

Here is the 2 million dollar YELP review that The Dog Spot didn’t want anyone to see:

Avoid this place!! They are Completely incapable of caring for dogs! The things you watch on their video feed should be reported for animal cruelty. How this place stays open is beyond me given how their staff alone speaks to people. There is total lack of care for the animals and their well being. The staff lacks every function to properly deal with situations and therefore become defensive, abrasive and accusatory. When questioning the issues the manager on staff threatened me and called me a liar when referencing a previous conversation. My dog left and went straight to her vet to be seen because of a huge gash in her leg. The vet confirmed that the area was not from an animal and had to have been caused by a sharp object or person. They are negligent and BBB cant be notified enough so that places like this don't exist.

Yesterday a judge signed, and the clerk filed the order below, ending this matter once and for all. The Dog Spot has a more recent lawsuit that is suing two defendants for posting things about them on Facebook. The suit against one of those defendants for $2,000,000 was also dismissed this week.

Avoid this place!! They are Completely incapable of caring for dogs! The things you watch on their video feed should be reported for animal cruelty. How this place stays open is beyond me given how their staff alone speaks to people. There is total lack of care for the animals and their well being. The staff lacks every function to properly deal with situations and therefore become defensive, abrasive and accusatory. When questioning the issues the manager on staff threatened me and called me a liar when referencing a previous conversation. My dog left and went straight to her vet to be seen because of a huge gash in her leg. The vet confirmed that the area was not from an animal and had to have been caused by a sharp object or person. They are negligent and BBB cant be notified enough so that places like this don’t exist.

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