Kay Boykin (59) crashes car on Ambien w/3yo g-grandson, claims “old boy” was driving, not her.

59 year old great-grandmother, Kay Boykin, took an Ambien around 5 PM on Thursday. Later that night, just before 11 PM she apparently got hungry, and states she left home to go get something to eat – with her 3 year old great-grandson accompanying her. She would never make it to a restaurant, as she crashed the car in an ‘Ambien Fog’ – and tells police that “old boy” appeared and ask to drive for her, then fled the scene when he crashed the vehicle – despite multiple witnesses observing her as the only person driving and wrecking her car that night.

According to a police report, MNPD responded to an injury crash in front of 501 Thompson Lane that occurred at approximately 10:54 PM. Upon arrival at 11:00 PM, Kay Boykin, 59, was receiving medical attention while she was sitting in the driver’s seat of a bystander’s vehicle. Officers were able to speak with the great-grandmother as she was placed in an ambulance. Boykin stated that “someone else was driving her car when it crashed and the person ran away”. Her pupils were dilated, and she spoke very softly while answering questions. Kay Boykin kept falling asleep while speaking with officers. She was unable to provide a complete phone number when asked, and the phone number kept changing each time she was asked. She also had her 3 year old great grandson with her who suffered minor injuries from the crash.

When asked for the child’s name, the she stated that his name was Jamal, but the child stated that his name was Trey, and not Jamal (Jamal is his uncle). She stated that she took one Ambien at 5:00 PM, and denied consuming any alcoholic beverages. She was transported by ambulance to Southern Hills Hospital for medical treatment. While at the scene, officers spoke with multiple witnesses who stated that they saw the defendant back into a car that was parked outside of 501 Thompson Lane, then she climbed out of the driver’s seat of her vehicle and got a child out of the back seat.

While at Southern Hills, she agreed to perform standardized field sobriety tasks, but she was unable to complete them. Boykin was read Miranda rights, and when asked what happened, she stated that she was driving to get something to eat when an “old boy” asked to drive her vehicle. The defendant stated that she allowed the boy to drive, and she moved to the back seat with her great grandson. The defendant stated that the “old boy” crashed the vehicle and fled from the scene. The defendant stated that she did not know who he was. The defendant was advised of implied consent and she agreed to a blood draw. Officers observed a nurse at southern hills draw two vials of the defendant’s blood which were submitted at booking.

Boykin was charged with DUI with a child, bond was set at $1000 which she paid via Smiley’s and will appear in court on 03/02/2018.

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