Metro Public Works Operator Charged with DUI & Heroin Hours Before a Court Date for Drug Charges – Marty Ragland

Marty Ragland(Jr.) has a heroin problem. And a theft/shoplifting problem. And a Driving while intoxicated problem. And an assaulting other humans problem. Marty Ragland also works as a Nashville Metro Government Employee. He works in the Public Works department – as an equipment operator (driving & operating heavy things), where his father also happens to be a District Supervisor, in the Public Works department. So, why doesn’t Metro have a problem?

Just before 3AM on this past Wednesday, 01/17/18, just hours before he was scheduled to appear in court in Sumner County on a drug possession charge, Ragland was pulled over in East Nashville for driving without any headlights, and swerving across lanes. After his obvious impairment, according to the officer, the officer had him step out of the vehicle, at which time 2 syringes were observed on the floorboard under Ragland. He attempted to push them under the seat with his feet, but the officer noticed and he was detained.

Ragland advised officers that he had just shot up heroin, and inside his vehicle a spoon, multiple syringes, along with a syringe loaded with heroin were all found. Ragland was booked into the sheriff’s department on DUI, possession/casual exchange, and paraphernalia.

Ragland began his career with Metro in 2007, but resigned from his position in August of 2014, according to civil service records. He was then recently re-hired on October 10, 2017 – just over three months ago. Ragland works as an equipment operator (driving & operating heavy things). During his initial employment at Metro, he was charged and convicted of domestic assault in Sumner County in July of 2011, as well as multiple other theft, shoplifting, and drug related charges, then came the resignation in 2014.

During his resignation from being a metro employee, Ragland was charged with Theft of Merchandise (shoplifting) in Sumner County in March of 2015, and also with Violation of Probation (drug related) in August of 2015. He plead guilty in both cases.

Just 3 days before his most recent re-hire by the civil service commission in October, Ragland was charged in Sumner County for drug possession / exchange. He just had a continuance granted in that case on 01/17/18, and his next appearance will be on 03/14/18 in Sumner County.

Ragland is current charged with DUI, Drug Paraphenelia, and Posession.

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