Ethan Loveless (Recorded & Shared Sex w/o Girl’s Permission) Given Deferred Judgment / No Conviction

4 months after his arrest (a felony charge) for illegally videotaping a sexual encounter with a girl without her knowledge, and sharing it on social media without her permission, Ethan Loveless appeared in court today in Nashville. In a plea deal, he will get 11/29 unsupervised probation – which as long as he completes with no other charges, this charge will disappear and be expunged like it never happened. Except for here. We’re publishing it before expungement. So for here, it will remain forever. All it cost him? $375.50 in court fees. His victim told him 3 times he did not have consent to record their sexual encounter. Not only did he record it, but he shared it via Snapchat. Ethan loveless was studying at Lipscomb University in Nashville, his current enrollment status is not currently known.

Here’s our original story with the details:

Ethan Loveless Arrested for Snapchatting Sex Without Permission, Even Though Her “face ain’t in it”

On Tuesday (08/15) Ethan Christopher Loveless found out that you can’t record sexual conquests and snapchat them to a friend via your iPhone, without the permission of your sexual partner in the video. This is illegal, and will get you arrested, which is what happened to Loveless yesterday afternoon. He was booked into the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office and charged with TCA 39-13-605*2, Photography- Dissemination of Unlawful Photos, a felony described as to ‘DISSEMINATE A VIDEO RECORDING OF A SEXUAL ACT INVOLVING THE LISTED VICTIM WITHOUT THE CONSENT OR KNOWLEDGE OF THE VICTIM’. Loveless was released on a $5,000 bond (via Free At Last) Tuesday evening just after 6PM. Shortly thereafter, he removed many of his social media accounts, including his facebook.

According to a sworn affidavit, the victim states that “she engaged in a consentual[sic] sexual encounter with Ethan Loveless. [victim] states that Loveless asked for her consent to record the encounter, and [victim] denied him consent to record at least three times. On 08/07/2017, [victim] was advised by a coworker, [coworker], that Loveless had bragged to him that he had recorded [victim] during the sexual encounter, and then proceeded to use SnapChat to send at least a portion of that recording to [coworker]. [coworker] immedately[sic] disclosed this to [victim], who soon called police to report that she had been recorded without her consent and that the recording had been disseminated to at least one party. During at interview on this date at MNPD CID, [victim] made a controlled recorded phone call, under my direct supervision, to Ethan Loveless. During this conversation, Loveless admitted to having the video and apologized, stating that he “hasn’t sent it to anyone else” besides [coworker] and that her “face ain’t in it”. Loveless went on to say that he was “almost positive that she said it was OK” to take the video and that he “only sent it to one person”. “

Loveless is scheduled to appear in court on 09/15/17 to answer to the charges. Here’s a review of the actual law – which means if you’re going to record that sex, you should also record the consent to send it.

39-13-605. Unlawful photographing in violation of privacy.

  1. It is an offense for a person to knowingly photograph, or cause to be photographed an individual, when the individual is in a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the prior effective consent of the individual, or in the case of a minor, without the prior effective consent of the minor’s parent or guardian, if the photograph:
    1. Would offend or embarrass an ordinary person if such person appeared in the photograph; and
    2. Was taken for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification of the defendant.
  2. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, ‘photograph’ means any photograph or photographic reproduction, still or moving, or any videotape or live television transmission of any individual so that the individual is readily identifiable.
  3. All photographs taken in violation of this section shall be confiscated and, after their use as evidence, destroyed.
    1. A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
    2. If the defendant disseminates or permits the dissemination of the photograph to any other person, a violation of this section is a Class E felony.

Loveless, who recently moved to the heart of downtown Nashville, with a great fifth floor view of downtown, describes himself as a “Nashville native” and “graduate student living in Nashville studying molecular biology”. Ethan Loveless says he’ll be “attending medical school next year”. He wants to “visit every continent before I am 25”. Ethan once did shots with Jack White on a plane from Barcelona, Spain. He has visited Belgium, Brazil, France, Haiti, & Spain.

Loveless has “traveled to extensively with my favorite place being Brazil . I am going medical school in the summer of 2017. I love music and I play when I have time. I am a huge soccer and hockey fan . I enjoy trying new kinds of food and I just had alligator the other day which was fantastic.”

He describes his philosophy as “If you aren’t doing something new you are not living.” and lists some favorites as “The Who, Doors, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Civil Wars, La Vie de Boy, Led Zeppelin, Moon Taxi, Cold War Kids, Starlito, Chance the Rapper, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.”

First Name Last Name Date of Birth OCA Number
Ethan Loveless 07/13/1992 567670 Defendant Details


Last year he was looking for a new camera, in fact to photograph “everyday things”:


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