Felon Arrest: Tirrese Flye. You Might Be A Stupid Felon If…

If you are a convicted felon that got his felon status by robbing someone for $25 in cash at James Cayce Homes with a handgun, your chances of being a smart criminal were probably non-existent from the start. If you were this (now) 22 year old felon, that was still on felony probation four years later, the LAST thing you should do is post photos of your felon self on social media with another handgun – a very blatant violation of probation, as felons can’t have guns.

Tirrese Flye doesn’t care about the rules though. On felony probation, of which he has already violated multiple times, and with open warrants and multitudes of new charges – he flips the bird to his felony probation, and does what he wants.

On Wednesday, he was recognized as having an outstanding warrant while he was a passenger in a vehicle.

From the MNPD:

On 11/22/2017, I observed a vehicle backed into a parking spot next to 101 University Ct. When I drove into the parking lot, I immediately recognized the driver side backseat passenger as having an outstanding warrant. I made contact with the occupants of the vehicle, and there was a strong odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. The defendant was seated in the front passenger side of the vehicle, and I recognized him as also having an outstanding warrant. I asked the defendant to step out of the vehicle, and I placed him in handcuffs to detain him. As I was detaining him, I felt a small handgun in his right sleeve. The handgun, a Ruger LCP .380, was retrieved from his sleeve.

Under Miranda, the defendant admitted that it was his handgun and that he had just purchased it three days ago. The defendant has a prior felony conviction for aggravated robbery on 08/09/2013 (20130112309).

Here’s the conviction that earned him felon status:

On 02-04-13, around 2000 hrs, Tremayne Fowler was walking through James Cayce Homes with Robert Merrell, “Fly” and “Boris”. Fly pulled out a gun and told Tremayne to empty his pockets. Fly hit Tremayne in the face with the gun and the other suspects began punching him as well. The suspects took approximately $25.00 from Tremayne and fled.

On 02-13-13 Robert Merrell was questioned and admitted participating in the robbery. He named Tiresse Flye and Javoris Charleston as his accomplices.

On 02-14-13 Tremayne Fowler identified Tiresse Flye from a photo line-up as being the suspect that robbed him that he knew as Fly.

Perhaps he does just doesn’t know that a blue bandanna with black dots (see photo below) has it’s own special meaning – according to the ‘Hanky Code‘ this indicates that someone likes to have oral sex with black men, both giving and receiving when worn in the center as in the photo.

Or perhaps he does realize how much trouble he was in:

Either way, he was not hiding his violations, they were in plain sight:

Flye will have a review hearing on 11/29 on the felon with a weapon charge – for which he is currently held on a $10,000 bond.

Also, your mom called, said keep that gun outta her house!



All available cases for Tirrese Flye


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