ARREST: 20yo Mitchell Wagner Pulls Out Penis in Women’s Restroom @ Vanderbilt Stadium, Urinates Everywhere

20 year-old Mitchell Wagner was at yesterday’s Vanderbilt vs. UK game at Vanderbilt Stadium. Then he had to go use the restroom.

Per a MNPD police report, just after 4PM, Wagner entered the women’s restroom at Vanderbilt Stadium, pulled out his penis, and began urinating all over the restroom. Wagner was reportedly very unsteady on his feet, and confused. Upon police arriving he admitted to having a “few drinks” at the football game, despite being underage.

Wagner was taken into custody and charged with Public Intoxication & Underage alcohol consumption, and booked into the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department just before 6 PM, where he remained until after 3:30 AM Sunday morning when he was able to bond out a $1,000 direct cash/credit bond.

MNPD Affidavit:

On 11/11/2017 at approximately 1615, Mitchell B. Wagner was reported to police to be urinating all over the women’s restroom at the Vanderbilt Football Stadium. Upon officer contact with Wagner, he had an obvious odor of alcoholic intoxicant coming from his person, was unsteady on his feet and was confused. Wagner stated to officers that he had a few drinks at the football game. He is under the age of 21 until 04/27/2018. VUPD CPL. R. Meyer took Wagner for Public Intoxication and Underage Alcohol Consumption. SGT K. Hartley transported Wagner to booking.

Wagner will be in court on 12/1/17 to answer to the charges.

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