David Armstrong steals $2600 in Lottery Tickets from MAPCO

David Armstrong, 19, of Rainbow Village Mobile Home Park, was arrested on Friday for stealing over $2600 in lottery tickets from Mapco over the previous 10 days. Mapco employees count the tickets nightly, and for the past 10 nights the counts have come up substantially short. When confronted with video of at least 8 occasions, Armstrong admitted to the theft, along with various food and drink items. Armstrong then provided a written confession.

In a somewhat ironic social media post, on July 1st, Armstrong quoted Hebrews 13:5-6 as below:

Armstrong was released on the pre-trial program and will appear in court on 10/20/17.

Police responded to a shoplifting call at the Mapco at the above address, where Mr. Harrington works as asset protection. Mr. Harrington stated to police that he had been investigating the defendant for shoplifting. Per store policy, Mapco employees count the lottery tickets at the end of the each night. For the last 10 days, that count has been coming up short. Mr. Harrington began reviewing surveillance footage from the store and observed the defendant taking lottery tickets on multiple occasions starting on 9/18/17. Mr. Harrington discovered approximately 8 occasions where the defendant took shoplifted lottery tickets, all captured on the stores surveillance cameras. With this evidence, the defendant was confronted about the shoplifting. The defendant admitted to taking over $2,600 in lottery tickets, as well as other food and drink from the location. The defendant gave a written confession as well, which the responding officer observed. Police took the defendant into custody without incident. Once in custody, the defendant was Mirandized and again admitted to taking the lottery tickets. Police also observed the footage of the defendant taking the tickets as well. The defendant declined to list a nearest relative.


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