18yo Thomas Vaden Rips Kitchen Cabinets Off Wall & Threatens to Shoot Mom After She Tells Him & Friends to Not Eat Food Prepped for Next Day, Kitchen Destroyed.

On Sunday, 09/03, Thomas Vaden III, 18, had friends over while his mother was prepping food for a Labor Day Dinner the next day. His mother was not pleased that he and friends were eating food she was prepping for Monday, and warned them to not eat any of it. Later that Sunday night, Vaden’s mother caught him rummaging in the fridge and got into a short verbal altercation before they both went back to bed. On Monday morning he woke up and asked his mother “Bitch are you still mad about last night?” – of course she told him to not call her a “bitch” again, and another verbal altercation occurred. Thomas Vaden then began physically ripping the cabinets from the wall, pulled all of them down to the floor, causing food and other contents of the cabinets to spill all over the kitchen. His mother tried to call 911, he grabbed her phone, broke it into several pieces, and told his mother if she called police, he would “bust all the windows out of her car”, “pour sugar in her gas tank”, and that he would “shoot her”.

Vader is out on a $3500 bond, with the following charges:

  • Vandalism over $1,000
  • Asl, Dom Fear Bod Inj


Victim is suspect’s mother. On 9/4/2017 at approximately 1030AM, Victim states that she and suspect began to argue because he was eating food that was intended for dinner later in the day. Victim says the argument started the night before when she warned suspect and his friends not to eat the food that was being prepared for the next day. During the night, Victim caught Suspect rummaging in the fridge and a verbal altercation occurred before both parties returned back to their rooms. When Suspect woke up this morning, he inquired “Bitch, are you still mad about last night?” Victim states that she told Suspect not to call her a “bitch” again and that Suspect became angry. Suspect began physically ripping the cabinets from the wall and pulled the cabinets down onto the floor, causing the food in the cabinets to spill all over the kitchen. When Victim tried to call for police assistance, Suspect grabbed the phone out Victim’s hand and threw it — and the phone broke into several pieces. Suspect told Victim that if she called police, he would burst all the windows out of her car, pour sugar in her gas tank, and that he would shoot her. Victim asked the other two children in her home to run to a neighbor’s house to use the phone and to call police for help. Victim believes that Suspect is capable of following through with each of his threats. Officers assisted victim with obtaining warrants and getting an order of protection against Suspect.


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