The Cleo Luxury Apartments: Still a ‘Shitty Situation’, says Residents.

The Cleo Luxury Apartments: Still a ‘Shitty Situation’, says Residents.

Nearly a year ago we wrote about how the staff at The Cleo East Nashville Luxury Apartments said they “just couldn’t keep up” with all the dog poop inside the hallways and common areas of the building. A resident contacted us recently to let us know that despite a new management company taking control of the building, that the situation has only gotten worse.

The resident, who provided Scoop: Nashville with multiple new photos of the dog dung throughout the building, says there was even an incident of human feces in a stairwell in early August. given the history of frat-house style antics in the close-knit apartment building, this isn’t a surprising accusation. More recently, in that same stairwell, there was more doggy defecation that sat there for a week, before another kind resident placed a plastic bag on top of it, and eventually another placed it in the bag and returned it to its resting place on the stairs.

Stairwells may be a more private place for the dogs of The Cleo to do their business, but photos show that most dogs in the building aren’t shy We’ve received dozens of examples of poop-filled hallways since out previous story, including this one from July, just feet from the trash chute, where it could have been disposed of properly.

When poop-lined hallways aren’t enough, there’s also this recent example of doggy diarrhea, from Labor Day Weekend. This may get the award for most disgusting, but the hallway by the sound recording room gets this award for most frequent, with 3 doggy discharges landing there just in the past week.

We reached out to another resident to confirm if the situation was indeed worse than our previous story, who confirmed it was “worse, despite a change in management”, then provided the photo below, showing why she believed residents probably weren’t using the trash chute or bothering to pickup the doggy discharges, because when the trash chute’s are locked, the residents just pile the trash up until it overflows into common spaces.

Despite a change in management companies, it appears The Cleo remains East Nashville’s luxury fraternity/sorority house for working adults(?) that are no longer in college, but want to relive the experience. Their own website says it best: “Your new lifestyle awaits in East Nasty”.

Do you have a Cleo story? email us:

The Cleo offers apartments from 587 sq/ft for $1300, to 1400 sq/ft for $2600. Lincoln Apartments, who now manages The Cleo, did not respond to a request for comment on this story, sent to them on 08/29/18.

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