Hey Antioch: This man is about to destroy all your ‘Missing Pets’ signs – 2 days after 4th of July

Hey Antioch: This man is about to destroy all your ‘Missing Pets’ signs – 2 days after 4th of July

Statistics show that more dogs & cats are separated from their owners in the days around the 4th of July, than any other time of the year – due to the sights, sounds, and vibrations that scare some animals, and send them running, or escaping, despite an owner’s best efforts.

With that in mind, meet Metro’s District 33 Beautification Commissioner (an unpaid, appointed position) David Chilton, pictured below throwing away a sign for a dog that is still missing. On Friday, Chilton announced that he was doing an ‘illegal sign cleanup’ 2 days after the 4th of July in Antioch.

He was nice enough to include the route he would be cleaning up, and when asked about all the lost pet signs in relation to the proximity to the holiday, he said:

“… responsible pet owners should not let their pets run loose and put the animals in harms way. The intent of the Metro Beautification program is to make our communities an attractive place for us to live. Sign clutter is an eyesore. The Beautification Commissioners are unpaid volunteers appointed by the Mayor.”
-David Chilton

We don’t doubt that illegal signs are an issue – but is this the right time to do it? 2 days after they’re most used and needed in the neighborhoods in which they’re put up?

If you’d like to contact David Chilton, he posted his Metro Public Works branded business card on the post, and we’ve included it below. District 33 Council Member Antoinette Lee can be emailed here or via phone at 615-755-5482. You can email David by clicking here or call him at 615-366-9944.

Here’s the map of the places he’s planning on removing signs from on July 6th:



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