Shenanigoats Yoga Instructor Cited for Codes Violation

On Monday (07/17), a neighbor of Bari Miley contacted the Metro Codes Department via phone. This particular neighbor was upset, because Miley, who happens to be a yoga instructor, has been leading yoga sessions in her back yard on Leland Ave- with goats – and charging each participant $25. She has been partnering with Shenanigoats, LLC for use of their landscaping goats in a venture as ‘Shenanigoats Yoga. The specific financial agreement/contract between her and Shenanigoats has not been made available at this time. What is known is that nearly every single Shenanigoats Yoga class has sold out completely, at $25/ticket.

The complainant was specific, citing that Miley was running a business without a permit – the specific complaint was for nights, and requested that a city inspector be sent out on a night/weekend to observe the violation personally. As of this time, there is no use/occupancy permit is on file with the city for the the address on Leland, no business license is on file for this location (though Shenanigoats itself has been registered with both the city and state since mid May as an LLC, though the relationship with it’s yoga instructors is currently unclear if a direct relationship, or if more of a ‘goat rental’, or split the class tickets situation, however we can confirm that Shenanigoats LLC seems to be in charge of setting up the classes. We’ve reached out to Shenanigoats LLC for comment.

On Tuesday, the day after the complaint was taken, an abate notice for complaint 17-1162288 citing ‘Use Not Permitted’ was issued and sent to the property owner, Warren Duzak. There is a follow-up inspection scheduled for August.

On Saturday morning, future classes were being advertised at a Madison address, however late Saturday afternoon, Shenanigoats Yoga posted on their social media, that classes would be held at the green space beside Bongo Java from July 29th – August 7th. According to codes online databases, the green space owned by Bongo Java’s parent company (an 11th St address) currently has a several-year old building permit open for the lot, but is not yet licensed to operate any business to the public on it, though it is zone for commercial use – there is no occupancy/use permit on file for holding yoga classes or having goats on the property, or having an event for which tickets are sold.

Neither Miley or Shenanigoats has mentioned the codes violation received, and as of Saturday, classes seemed to continue as normal. Tomorrow’s Class (Sunday) was suddenly canceled though, due to ‘heat’ – though it will be the coolest day of the past few, when classes have happened. Sunday’s was scheduled for Bari’s house as the location.

Upcoming Classes with the new location:

Past Classes:

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