8-year-old suffers broken clavicle after being ‘restrained’ by MNPS teacher – $8K Settlement

8-year-old suffers broken clavicle after being ‘restrained’ by MNPS teacher – $8K Settlement

Metro Nashville has now settled the claim of an 8-year-old that suffered a broken clavicle (collarbone) after being restrained by an Una Elementary School teacher, for $8,000 with the parent of the child.

According to the settlement agreement, which was approved by a judge on April 2nd, the then 8-year-old was a student at Una Elementary School in February of 2018, when she became upset and a teacher employed by MNPS sought to restrain her. As a result of the restraint, and at a later time, the child received treatment at a local hospital, and was diagnosed with a broken clavicle (collarbone). After two months, she was released from medical care related to the incident.

Metro Nashville made a settlement offer of $8,000, and it was accepted by the child’s parent, and will prevent any other litigation in the matter. Of that amount, attorney Charles Niewold will receive fees of 33.3%, totaling $2,666.00.

Metro Nashville Public Schools has not yet released the name of the teacher involved, or if any disciplinary action was taken. A copy of the settlement agreement is below.

[embeddoc url=”https://news.scoopnashville.com/media/2019/04/una-lawsuit-pre_Redacted.pdf” download=”none”]

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