Nashville Sheriff served order to seize $20K worth of Jewelry & Clothing from Julie Chrisley

Nashville Sheriff served order to seize $20K worth of Jewelry & Clothing from Julie Chrisley

In February of 2016, the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office had a signed order from a judge to enter the Lynnwood Blvd home of Julie Chrisley (of Chrisley Knows Best fame) and seize her clothing, jewelry, and other personal property, to satisfy a $20,802.87 judgment that the reality TV star refused to pay.

The order originated from a judgment that initially named Julie & her company ‘Jubilee Investments’ as well as her husband ‘Todd Chrisley’, however he was quick to file to have his name removed from the lawsuit. That left Julie and her personal company on the hook for the $20K.

The original debt was $12,743 as a result of a land-sale contract gone bad, with the additions of legal fees, court costs, etc, making the final total $20,802.87 that was ordered against her, and signed by a judge, after she had 9 continuances in the case to delay it.

Even though the judgment was entered, she refused to pay it. For over a year, they tried to garnish her bank accounts unsuccessfully, so finally a judge signed a non-wage garnishment for the full amount, meaning that the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department Levy Squad would enter her home, by force if needed, and seize enough of her personal belonging to satisfy the full amount and store them to be sold so the debtor could be paid, and the court order fulfilled.

The order was served on Julie Chrisley on February 12th, and she quickly was able to produce a cashier’s check for the full amount (receipt below) so that the Levy Squad would not seize the items from her home:

According to property records, the home has since been transferred to a named trust for $10, so that it’s not in any individual family member’s name or subject to any future similar debts.

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