Party in Prison III: Inmate Kortavious Carwell Issues Challenge with Two New Cell Phones

Hours after we published an article last week that included TDOC Inmate Kortavious Carwell’s cell phone and social media activity from behind prison walls, he was back on social media, with a brand new account, with TWO cell phones, a live stream from NWCX, and a link to an unexpected Facebook Friend – a G4S Guard/Correctional Officer, who is a 3rd Party Contractor used to help staff prisons. We’ll cover more on that link in Part IV of our investigation where we have uncovered multiple guards are friends with multiple inmates on social media.

Just 2 days ago, Kortavious Carwell appeared back on social media, showing off not one, but two, brand new cell phones during a 22 minute live video stream to facebook, to issue a challenge to those that are reporting on his cellphone and social media usage: “Send em again, can’t break the bank” & “It’s all good, police ass niggas, I’m back already, send them again” both on his social media in text and in the video below. Here’s the 22 minute live stream he posted on 06/02/17 at 11:22 PM, where he brags that he will also be getting out in December, though with so many different cell phones and social media accounts, that date may change (or not):


Apparently, it is much more difficult that any of us imagine to keep cell phones out of Tennessee prisons, or so it would seem. If an inmate can re-acquire two cell phones so quickly after the previous phone(s) were confiscated, can we really keep anything out of our prisons? We even located screenshots of Carwell having video-chats with friends on the outside as recently as 5 weeks ago:

Some other recent pics from Carwell’s Account, and new posts made within the past 2 days:

Coming up in Part IV we will cover what we found when comparing all of the different social media accounts that Carwell has run from inside the prison, who they have in common – and the answer may surprise you. In Part IV We’ll cover Prison Guards who are friends with all of these social media accounts, and even one that they have in common every time a new account is created – and why hasn’t TDOC been able to find these data points previously, despite us being able to locate them in a matter of hours? Here’s just a few of the accounts that Carwell has used during his time in prison – each one seems to signify acquisition of a new phone within the prison.


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