Uber Driver Jerimy Chittom will take “those people (immigrants)” to INS Office instead of requested destination

On Wednesday, there was an immigration vigil in Nashville, and notably there were many more people using Lyft than Uber to get to the event, mainly due to each companies response to the President’s actions this week, and the massive #DeleteUber movement – and the ride share drivers, who often drive for both companies in Nashville, took quick notice. One driver that uses both apps posted about the surge in Lyft Riders, and the lack of Uber riders going to the same place:

Nashville Uber driver Jerimy Chittom was quick to note “That’s ok I’ll just stick with Uber I don’t want those people in my car, If I know that’s where they going I’m not dropping them off at the vigil I will be dropping them at the INS office

Normally we would be quick to assume that’s “just a joke” or “haha, funny” to such an aside – however a quick review of public posts on Chittom’s timeline shows his strong opinion on immigrants – both legal and illegal.

Jerimy Chittom also has online profiles listed for bother new startup Takl, where he is invited into customer’s homes to complete small tasks or projects and Moonlighting, where he lists both mechanic and transport services- it is unclear what he would do if he encountered one of “those people” on a freelance job from one of those providers, where the customer wasn’t a captive audience inside a vehicle, as he certainly couldn’t just drive them to a Immigration Office, as with Uber.

At time of publication, Uber has not yet responded to a request for comment.


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