Uber Driver Cedric Burns Still Raging About “Privileged, Entitled Millennials” Not Tipping for UberEats; Drivers like Michael DeArmond still refusing to deliver to door

In November, we told you about Nashville Uber Driver Cedric Burns, who was going on rants and tirades about customers not tipping him for UberEats deliveries, despite Uber telling customers that tipping is not expected or required for this service. In the previous story we told you about drivers who were simply keeping the food of customers who would not tip them, because they were only delivering to the curbside and refusing to bring it to the customer’s door – which is also a directive of how to deliver, by Uber.

Two months later, driver Cedric Burns is till raging about these customers, calling them “privileged, entitled millennials” posting this recently on social media. To be clear, the UberEats job description is to indeed pick up the food at the restaurant and take it up the elevator or stairs to the customer’s door. Somehow that has gotten lost in translation to Mr. Burns:

“To all the privileged, entitled, millennials residing in these condos, who expect a service which entails a person to get out in the cold and go up the elevator or flight of stairs to deliver you food. You need to be tipping! #ubereats#hometraining#commoncourtesy#priveledged#entitled. Ijs.”

Driver Michael DeArmond makes the customer meet them curbside at his car, despite the Uber policy of to-the-door delivery in Nashville:

Kevin Reynolds says “they’re special. They’re the chosen ones”, referring to millennial UberEats customers:

Until passengers begin to rate these drivers with 1-star ratings, they will continue to buck the system, and be non-conforming to the brand identity. Have you ordered from UberEats? How was your experience?




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