Nashville Uber/Lyft Driver Marc Bills Says Protesters from Black College Should be Pepper Sprayed & Chained To a Tailgate

On Wednesday, around a hundred students from historically black Fisk University protested the election of Donald Trump as President Elect, and shut down traffic on several streets near the capitol. Nashville Uber & Lyft drivers were among the first to be impacted by the delays, and make their disappointment known via social media. Most were understanding, some agreed, some disagreed, but some were outright belligerent about their disgust of the protestors, and other drivers agreeing with them. Driver Marc Bills surprised many when he came out with his thoughts on the protesters, and fellow driver James Scheuvront encouraged the idea:

Just pepper spray them… If need be, chain them to the tailgate of a driver with a truck and drop them off somewhere and go back to work….lol… They don’t move, we move them for them…. LOLOLOL…


David Spodeck said he would “run over” any protestor that got in his way:


Not every was quick to agree with the sentiments of Marc Bills. HL Edwards was quick to call him out, saying his comment was ‘tasteless’:


Other drivers were quick to be weary of even driving at all this week due to the election results – some of them saying if someone even so much as said a racist remark they’d pull over on the side of the interstate and kick them out, like Jewell Blackman:


And some just declined to drive at all, for fear the election climate would impact ratings from passengers, such as Jessica Nicole Thomas:


Overall, there was no shortage of drivers, though there was short periods of surge (increased) pricing throughout the evening. Let’s hope that if you take an Uber or Lyft this week that you don’t get one of the above drivers – or if you are, to be on your best behavior – as you certainly don’t want to get chained to a tailgate or put out in the middle of an interstate if your driver things the wrong way about you. This is the first day of new life under President-Elect Trump, and hopefully not an indication of what is to come.


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