“Rewind, Rewind” The Story of Clayton Thomas; Time Travel, Eating Pine Cones, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, & More…

From the ‘Odd Affidavit’ Department – the story of why Clayton Thomas tried to eat pine cones & thought he could go back in time. Hint: marijuana metabolites, amphetamine, methamphetamine, and dextromethorphan are all involved, allegedly, per the MNPD.

sceneYou may have seen this accident a few weeks ago on the news, on July 13th, where a car inexplicably ran of the road and burned to a crisp. What you don’t know is the story behind the story, as the details have only just been released by the Metro Nashville Police Department. In the affidavit, obtained by East Nashville News, we finally learned of what really happened to cause this accident, and conflicting statements from the accident victim, Clayton C Thomas. The affidavit reads like a story from a science fiction novel, here are some of the more colorful remarks – from a gentleman that believes he is a future Mayor of Nashville:

  • First arriving officers reported Mr. Thomas was making off the wall statements, attempting to eat a pine cone, and yelling “Rewind, Rewind” while flopping his broken ankle
  • The next day at the hospital, Thomas stated he was with a friend and consumed about 1/2 shot of vodka to go along with some marijuana he smoked.
  • Mr. Thomas stated while he was driving he began meditating and believed if he went fast enough he could take off flying and would slow down if it did not work
  • When the officer inquired about the “Rewind” statements, Mr. Thomas believed if he were to holler “Rewind” it could make it like it never happened.
  • Toxicology results show Mr. Thomas had marijuana metabolites, amphetamine, methamphetamine, and dextromethorphan in his system.


Here’s the full text of the affidavit:

Mr. Clayton Thomas was the driver of a vehicle involved in a single vehicle crash. First arriving officers reported Mr. Thomas was making off the wall statements, attempting to eat a pine cone, and yelling “Rewind, Rewind” while flopping his broken ankle. I was dispatched to the scene for the investigation of the crash. Mr. Thomas was already transported and I was able to speak to him the next day at the hospital about what occurred. Mr. Thomas stated he was with a friend and consumed about 1/2 shot of vodka to go along with some marijuana he smoked. Mr. Thomas stated while he was driving he began meditating and believed if he went fast enough he could take off flying and would slow down if it did not work. I inquired about the “Rewind” statements and he stated he did remember that also. Mr. Thomas believed if he were to holler “Rewind” it could make it like it never happened. Mr. Thomas also believed the paramedics were his guardian angels. Based on the information provided, I obtained a search warrant to get the blood the hospital drew when Mr. Thomas 1st arrived. Toxicology results show Mr. Thomas had marijuana metabolites, amphetamine, methamphetamine, and dextromethorphan in his system.

thomas instagram

Since Clayton Thomas had spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital since the accident, including several surgeries and a foot amputation, the charges were just recently filed, and he was arrested on Tuesday, where he was released a few hours later via Pre-Trial Services. His next appearance date will be September 8th, to answer the official charge of DUI.

bond thomas clayton

thomas clayton dcso inmate view

What makes this story even more interesting is how Clayton views the incident, stating in a recent Facebook post: “ I got taken to jail last night in my wheelchair. Horrid but i just had to smile and the cops were nice. It stems from my crash. I am by no means perfect but i was not under the influence during my wreck, that said my blood wasn’t clean.” – We’re not quite sure how your blood could test positive for all of those things, and legally be considered ‘under the influence’, yet consider yourself to not be under the influence despite admitting your blood wasn’t “clean”. We anticipate the judge not being clear on this point or distinction, either.

clayton thomas facebook post denying

In speaking with some close friends of Clayton Thomas, we have learned he has been active in the drug & alcohol recovery community, and boasted about his clean time – which doesn’t correlate to his toxicology results, but could be the reason he states he “wasn’t perfect” on his facebook post. Other facebook posts provided by his friends indicate he is planning on using this “experience” as profit and support himself going forward as a motivation speaker, among other ideas. We are told that Thomas is or was in nursing school, but a DUI conviction with the toxicology results above make a future in that profession questionable.

clayton plans future fb post

homeless addicts mayor by 40book post

In the weeks before this police report was released, Clayton Thomas portrayed his wreck in a very different light on his social media accounts, adding this public note on August 7th, in part, on his Facebook account:

“I haven’t shared this with many people and didn’t on a public forum because I was afraid people would think that I had lost my sanity, was lying or worse think both.
I can’t really hold it in though. So the night of my wreck I was driving to get things off my mind because I find driving comforting (not sure about that now lol). Moving on, I said a prayer I would say about 5 minutes or less before my wreck. I said aloud in my car, “God if you really exist then show me with a sign that is so unbelievable it wouldn’t easily be explained by science. God lift my car from the ground or something of that nature so I know you are there.” ”

“In closing, I was sober at the time of the wreck, but in a time of great stress did make the mistake of going home with the wrong guy and partaking in a self harming action i wouldn’t do again, but let me make it clear that was long before the wreck I was fine to drive although may have been speeding and no it wasn’t a suicide attempt which I was asked by psych. I responded “umm i worked in a hospital 2 years and as a counselor for 10. If i was ever going to off “myself it wouldn’t be by driving into a power poll with my seatbelt on! and i laughed.

While we can’t judge what really happened on that fateful day – we can tell you what the public records show, and that’s the affidavit from the Nashville Police Department – and Clayton’s own admission that his blood wasn’t “clean” – but the words he told the officer about the pine cones, and rewind rewind, the time travel, and the guardian angels, and the marijuana, and the alcohol, well those speak for themselves.

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