Tartufo’s Stripper Chef Brittany Dugger: FIRED! Offfers New “IN HOME Service”

It was only a matter of time, if you’ve followed the story of Brittany Dugger over the past year. It started with assaulting a man outside of a restaurant she worked at, claiming her former ‘military training’ kicked in. It only got worse from there, as it was exposed that she was a former stripper that claimed to be homeless to elicit GoFundMe donations, and help from a stripper’s charity organization, the Nashville Stripper’s Church. A few months later she was spotted back in the strip club, and had to quickly move from Nashville to Clarksville – which brought about questions if she had ever really stopped stripping, and did she just use the Nashville Strip Church for her own needs while going right back to the pole? We’ve had a LOT of tips on ‘CHEF’ Brittany Dugger – people sending in screenshots and photos – some of which we could not even publish (right!). Perhaps you’ve seen this weeks coverage of Tartufo by Nashville Eater – which says of the up to $500/seat eatery Previously, Rossi was the only named owner, and was going to be overseeing the restaurant’s menu with chef Brittany Dugger at the helm. But Dugger and the restaurant reportedly parted ways in early May, with Rossi now taking more of a hands-on role in the kitchen and Dugger looking to open up her own restaurant in Clarksville”

dugger updates
Just a few of your recent CHEF tips!
Brittany Dugger & Mama June @ Deja Vu Strip Club
Brittany Dugger & Mama June @ Deja Vu Strip Club

Over the past few months, She has boasted on social media how ‘she’ was opening her own restaurant, under the namesake ‘Tartufo‘ on West End – when it turned out it was actually a joint-venture between some prominent people in the Nashville food scene, and she was simply the hired help. Just a few nights after opening, she made the post below – stating that she had been fired from Tartufo – downplaying the entire scenario, while demanding all employees call her ‘Chef’ and wanting to take ownership of everything until it went wrong – at which time she suddenly had “very little to do with” a kitchen that she was supposedly the executive chef of (which she wasn’t, it turns out):

dugger 1 fired

Certainly bad-mouthing your employer is a far cry from being a partner in the business three weeks before:

brittany dugger pretending to be a partner marco may 3rd tartufo nashville

It turns out that not ONLY did she lie about being the executive chef, but she was also caught saying she was named Nashville’s 2015 Best Up & Coming Chef, on stage with Jonathan Waxman – at the Nashville Food & Wine Festival. Well it turns out that Jonathan Waxman wasn’t at the Nashville Food & Wine Festival at all. Instead he was at the Music City Food & Wine Festival – though sounding similar, is a entirely different event and concept. We reached out to both festivals, and both confirmed that NO SUCH AWARD WAS EVER GIVEN.

dugger best up coming chef jonathan waxman

At least she is actively looking for a job, at least for a few hours, before she decided to create yet another possible ‘business venture’

brittany dugger looking for a job

Fear NOT! After finding out that she was unable to finance her own restaurant in either Nashville or Clarksville, she has started her own in-home chef service – no word on what all is included in this ‘private’ event – but it’s called ‘Yes Chef Clarksville‘ (Formerly How to Cook A Steak) — Here’s how it will play out, according to Dugger:

how to cook a steak brittany dugger

No wonder all her ventures fail – she doesn’t even understand the basics of pricing in this economy. You don’t charge $15/pp for up to 2 people, then $25/pp if you have 3-4. That is just the opposite of how it works. In her instance you could feed 2 people for  $30, but if you add a 3rd it jumps to $75. That’s not how this works. That’s now how any of this works. You discount as the headcount increases. Maybe she’ll figure this out some day – or maybe she’ll just have a failed idea after failed idea until the ideas are no more. Strip clubs are always hiring, or so we hear.

It is still unknown what attire she will be wearing for in-home ‘services’ (Cooking, of course!) – but here’s what she had on the last time a tipster saw her at the strip club – her post invites you to ‘BOOK A SESSION’ with her!

book a sessionn dugger

still a striper

Of course, we do hope she’ll be more sober than she was at 6PM on this day:

It’s worth mentioning that a few months ago, Brittany Dugger claimed to be a former military vet when when was promoting herself on the local news, when it turns out she was the aggressor – and now when recently asked if she was military affiliated, she states that she is NOT – but her boyfriend is – yet she told WSMV she was an Iraq War Veteran? Something seems amiss:

dugger not military affiliated

Here’s another example of her attitude of entitlement, she truly believes she is an executive chef, though she’s never held that title anywhere it wasn’t self-appointed. Even in her communication to other employees she comes across with arrogance:

brittany dugger call me chef

Of course, maybe she’ll combine stripping, driving for uber, and the ‘home chef’ concept into a singular service? You could tip her at the strip club, you could pay her to drive you home, and then pay her to teach you how to cook your own breakfast. Seems like maybe a better business idea than any she’s had yet? What say you, Brittany, wanna be business partners?

uber driver now too

After all, she does have an adderall need to feed, right? And if she was a vet, shouldn’t the VA provide those things? Pretty sure a call to tri-star would answer her question without telling the world about her need for drugs.

brittany dugger adderall

At the end of the day, would trust her in your home? with knives? to be appropriately dressed? We report, you decide – you’ve seen her own words as she typed them. We hear Cat West is hiring.

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