Justin Bieber on a Month Long Alcohol Break – Plays Jenga at Dino’s Instead!

After his concert last night downtown, the Justin Bieber crossed the river to our side of town, and decided to play some Jenga at our favortie (now former?) dive bar – Dino’s! According to locals, he was offered shots of liquor but declined, saying he was taking a month long break from alcohol. Other party favors were apparently not on the list of things he was taking a break from. Here’s some shots of the Biebs from last night – who also trekked to Melrose Billiards on Franklin Pk, but that’s not on our side of the river.

This happened about 12:30AM:



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Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/tatatatatanner/

dimitri kyle justin bieber no alcohol

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Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/paigelarae/
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Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/rhizomesandchromes/

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