Kaitlyn Andrews: Drugs, Crimes, & She Wants to Clean YOUR House for Some Quick CASH!

We’re always curious about the people that advertise their ‘house cleaning’ services on the East Nashville Facebook group – there are so many questions – such as… are you bonded/licensed, are you a criminal, will you steal all my stuff, can i trust you, are you high now, will you be high while cleaning my home, are you scoping out my home to rob later? There is no easy way to know the answers to many of these questions, because virtually none of these people have business licenses in Davidson County or are registered with the state as a company, or even as a sole proprietorship. In fact, most of them are cash-only, and if they wanted to make some quick cash,  a quick claim that they hurt themselves in someone’s home while ‘cleaning’ for them would likely result in a crazy lawsuit in which homeowners insurance would settle with them to get them to go away, and raise the rates of the homeowner – or worse yet they could bilk any homeowner out of cash to not report it – there are just too many possibilities. Laws, regulations, licenses, bonds, etc – they all exist for a reason! And most all of these people have no official status. And we haven’t even mentioned the tax evasion implications they are likely facing.

ka2We saw a post earlier today that reminded us of our extreme distrust of these house cleaning folks, let’s meet Kaitlyn Andrews! You’ve likely saw a post similar to the one below by Kaitlyn, offering her services – often for a steep discount if you sign up for a quick appointment – often indicative of needing money quick, like to buy drugs with, etc…


Hey neighbors, if anyone needs any house cleaning work done tonight, tomorrow, or Wednesday morning, three witches and a broom is your go to EN cleaning company! I am trying to get at least three to four houses in during this time to make up for some cancellations, so I am running a $75 ENTIRE house special. Even laundry! Located in McFerrin Park, I am independently operated, and have plenty of experience in house cleaning, property management, pet care, with great references. Don’t hesitate. Send me a message for more info and let’s get your house in shape!

I would be super interested in her “plenty of experience” in property management, pet care, and house cleaning? That’s odd because she says her best job ever was a waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe – so we’re not sure where all that property management experience comes from. Here’s a post from her about her ‘best job ever’ and it was nothing to do with property management:

best job

You may be thinking – so what if she wants quick cash money – how do we know she’s buying drugs? We don’t – except she’s told us, time after time:

kaitlyn andrews too many benzos drugs


weed trust


And of course, she would NEVER show up to you home in an altered state, or to watch your pet, right?

drunk before work

And if you’re confused about her name, here is her confirming she is Kaitlyn Andrews, as she needed someone to get her license for her, so she told everyone her last name – which isn’t what she uses on her profile – just imagine – you would be letting this person into your home without knowing her last name if the arrangements were made via facebook.

kaitlyn last name andrews

Her ‘business’ is called “Three witches and a Broom” but it’s not registered as a legal business in either the county, state, or federal levels.


We’ve not yet been able to confirm her DOB matches the DOB on the criminal charges in Davidson County for theft among other things, so we’ll wait and let you search that and draw your own conclusion – we’ll update once we confirm her DOB which should be complete in a few hours.

So would you let this person in your home to clean knowing what you know now, East Nashville?



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