Weird East Nashville Fetish of the Week: Step on Me, PLEASE!

In East Nashville, there is no shortage of kink and fetish, and we are quite proud of that – let that freak flag fly! Sometimes, however, one comes across a fetish that is just ‘so East Nashville’ that it can’t be explained. This week’s weird fetish certainly has to do with ‘restraint’ and ‘pain’ and probably some ‘authority’ and other fun things mixed in.. but it’s the just on the other side of ‘weird’ even in the fetish world.

James (and we assume this isn’t his real name, since the facebook profile is very limited and apparently only used for his fetish play) wants women to stand/step/walk on his hand/fingers inside a store full of people – oh, he has the entire scenario  planned out. Would YOU participate in his ‘project’?

james smith ad post show request

We asked ‘James’ to clarify a bit, and here’s what he had to say…  “Step on/stand on for a few minutes. then I pay you and that’s it. It’s really very simple.” He continued with a bit more detail “that’s really it. you could stand and look at cards at Walmart or any thing else for that matter. and I’ll be kneeling down like I’m looking at something else right beside you with my hand on the floor like I’m kind of leaning on it for support and you step and or stand on my hand/fingers.

On the possibility of being hurt… James says “I use my hands also to make a living and in over 30 years of doing this I’ve never had them hurt once!!! So each to his own!!“… “And I try to stay away from heels in most cases“.

Size DOES Matter: “If you wear over a size 10, I’l give you $20-$30 to do that!

shoes selfie

I’ll give you $20 if you can switch (Nike’s) shoes with me for 5 mins. and nothing else. Would you do that?

When asked about an erection: “20 years ago maybe, but not anymore it’s just a rush now. Nothing at all sexual. Sorry!

To recap: “$30 to any women that wear a size 11 or 12 that would wear the shoes in the photo (I will supply the shoes)and step/walk on my fingers.

So, East Nashville, are you a big footed woman, and would you satisfy this off-the-wall thirst in public?

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