The Engine Magician: Disappearing Act!


While  at the first of the year we gave a happy send-off to David, we’ve since been informed of his reported hostility toward the LGBT Community from multiple customers, and must now state that we no longer endorse David DeDominicis, or the ‘Engine Magician’, now located in Florida. His multiple negative reviews, and the number of individuals that have contacted us about his alleged interactions, and right wing political views, have caused us to change our opinion to one that you can probably find better service elsewhere, and without the politics and baggage – again, in our opinion.

For historical sake, we will leave our original review below, as it was originally published in January of 2016:

If you’ve lived here in East Nashville for any length of time, and had an issue with a lawnmower, leaf blower, or any other of a thousand other items he can bring back to life, or keep maintained, you’ve probably met David DeDominicis, known around these parts as ‘The Engine Magician‘. After six years of being our ‘go-to’ guy, now he will be relocating to Citrus County, Florida – and he will now be their ‘Engine Magician’ – let’s hope they know they’re getting the better end of this deal, and we’re getting the ‘shaft’. We’ll miss you, Dave!

engine email

“After 6 marvelous years serving the Nashville area, I would be remiss it is with a bit of sadness I am announcing the cessation of operations effective immediately. Having experienced the blossoming of what started as a desire to help someone with a riding mower stuck in a barn that hadn’t been started in years (Beth). And then experienced it flowering to a hearty business serving all areas extending to Peagram… I must say I have enjoyed each and everyone of you I have met and forged relationships with. The Engine Magician will relocated to Citrus County, Fl. where I can throw all my long pants and heavy coats away.
Spending 28 tears with VWOA in turn around management, I was able to pick and choose the locale I wanted to be sent to. Each move was geared toward warmth and the ocean. When I left VW and moved to Texas to pursue my massage therapy and teaching career I stayed in the warm climate. Upon returning to my childhood home, I have discovered that due to an ever changing demographic and “urban infill”, the town I had once called home seemed not so much so any longer. Not to mention the cold and I just do not get along.

I just want to thank everyone and wish you all, all the best! ”
Dave DeDominicis – The Engine Magician

We came across this email earlier today, and his business Facebook page reflects the same. Enjoy that warm weather, Dave, and come back to visit us!

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