Dumbest (East of) East Nasvhille Facebook Post(er) of 2016 – Cristen Wesenberg

It’s over. Everyone else can stop even trying. Just 19 HOURS into the new year (yea, we expected at least weeks, maybe months, too), the title of Dumbest Facebook Post(er) of 2016 has been claimed. In what is a somewhat amazing turn of events, the post isn’t “technically” from our ‘East Nashville’ group, either. Technically it’s from a super similar group that is just east OF Nashville, called Hip Mt Juliet – which is still an Eastern Nashville Suburb, so we’re saying it counts, and it’s our contest, so deal with it.

Our dearest new special friend, Cristen Wesenberg, took to the Facebook group to frantically report something that seriously felt strong about, even when questioned, she appreciated that everyone had a joke at her expense, but she was still serious about reporting this new thing she witnesses. Cristen – is it perhaps your first time living in the (semi) big city, or outside the confines of your mommy dearests estate perhaps? What was this mysterious thing that caused Cristen to logon to a Facebook group to try to find police so she could report it?

“Don’t know how to contact police on here, but the storm drain near whitts barbeque on mount Juliet rd is currently billowing steam. Don’t know what its about but that runoff leads to our cedar creek/old hickory lake.”


Cristen witnessed steam. Steam coming from a storm drain. The kind of phenomenon that occurs when water is flowing (above 32 degrees, by definition) into air that is below 32 degrees (it was 29 degrees in Mt Juliet at the time of the post). But Cristen was not aware, and quickly located the local Hip MJ Facebook group to someone contact police – from a public Facebook group of nearly 30K people – we’ve still yet to figure that out, but we invite you to try as you join us on this joyous conversation that occurred:

If they haven’t removed it, you can view the entire updated thread here, assuming they haven’t removed it.






We can’t even top those comments, much less the question – so this is already the dumbest question asked in 2016, everyone else should stop trying. Give up, now.


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