UPDATED-REVERSED!: Postmates – New Policy: Call the Customer on EVERY Substitution, ignore in-app choices

UPDATED: Just a few moments ago, we received feedback that Postmates is now reversing this new policy, which was only hours old – in part to the attention we brought to it. Our Post had over 5,000 shares across social media in just over an hour, and we are glad to hear about this update. Thank you, Postmates for listening to your customer base. An email is going out to the CS/OS/JS Employees as this is being posted.

Nicholas Luvaul [8:09 PM] @channel Hello everyone! Update on Substitutions -- Moving forward we are going to roll back to the old suggested process for Substitutions. Always follow the customers substitution preference. If there are any questions regarding how to handle customer substitutions feel free to email RemoteSupport@Postmates.com.  Nicholas Luvaul [8:17 PM] yes, moving forward we suggest not calling the customer and just going with the preference that they have selected  Nicholas Luvaul [8:14 PM] if there is no preference then i would suggest calling the customer  [8:14] if there they have a preference then we would suggest just going with the preference without calling them  Nicholas Luvaul [8:24 PM] there will be an email sent to everyone regarding the new suggested guidelines

We’re working on a new post for later today, a follow up to our original Postmates Remote Call Support: Behind The Scenes, that is a brand new internal document dump of Internal Postmates memos, policies, and more – but while we were doing our research we came across a brand new policy that just came out a few hours ago, and we wanted to bring it to you first, separate from the upcoming document dump  that will be published here later today.

Related: How Nashville Postmates really feel about customers, tipping, & more – Uncensored!

If you’ve ever used the Postmates app, you’ll know that it asks you not once, but twice during the order process to confirm what to do with an item is not available. The choices are to go with store recommendation, or to cancel the order, or you can even put your own substitution option in the notes, too. So why would an app that double-confirms this choice in-app, taking up so many of the ‘clicks’ in the ordering process want to complicate things with a phone call? We’re guessing it has to do with the falling CSAT scores/ratings. Personally, when I use Postmates, I expect it to be an entirely effortless process where I can click through my order, whether I’m in a meeting or a conference call, etc – even specifying what to do if an item is unavailable – but as of today I will now have to answer the phone and clarify for a 3rd time what I’d like them to do – totally disrupting the entirely online/in-app process, and frankly making the CSAT/Rating a much lower option than it would have been sans phone call. If I specify directions inside the application, why can’t they be followed? Here’s the new policy:

new subs policy

Hi Team-
When processing substitutions, the customer needs to give their approval first. This should happen on every order. If they have an order that indicates their preferred action( ex: Store Recommendation), we still need to call for their approval.
If you are unable to make direct contact with the customer, then please escalate it. Our goal is to ensure that each order is processed to the customer’s satisfaction. If you have any questions, please reach out to myself or remotesupport@postmates.com.

It’s unknown if this will apply for orders that are COT’d (referred back to the courier to place) or only for the order support/call team remotely. For those not in the know, Jasmine is over the remote order team (along with Jerry who VP customer service) – she writes the manuals, and dictates the policies, as is responsible for getting them out to the remote order callers and other internal teams.


So, what’s this mean for you? It means that now if even a single item isn’t available or the restaurant has run out of it, and even if you have given substitution instructions in app for a custom substitution, or to go with the store recommendation, or to cancel the order completely  – now you will have to be available to answer the phone or your order will be cancelled completely by remote order call team. Kind of defeats the purpose of even asking in the app or using Postmates, doesn’t it? Thoughts? Sound off in the comments, or on our Facebook Page.

Don’t forget the Nashville Postmates Edition of Funny Stoner Customer Texts, too!

Later today we’ll have some new internal Postmates docs and memos that have been leaked, follow us on twitter or Facebook to be one of the first to get the notice when it’s published! (links in sidebar!)

ALSO: Pharmacy Burger Restaurant vs. Nashville Postmates: FIGHT!

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