Bad Nashville Lyft Driver Abandons Passengers because no one bought him Five Points Pizza!

[pullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”I’m just going to cancel this ride and you guys can get another Lyft. You guys didn’t even offer to buy me pizza and I think that is just so rude. So you can get out now.”[/pullquote]
When it rains, it pours! And apparently when we get one ride-share tip, we get several. In fact, in the past 6 hours we’ve received over 15 submissions of ride-share maddness gone wrong. We have documented reports of everything from rude drivers, naked passengers, drivers who deliver more weed than pax’s (rideshare lingo for passenger) – and even some crazy reports of escorts using Uber in Nashville – at least according to their self-proclaimed internet pimp. While we don’t believe *all* these stories have some merit – there is one thing we know.. you rideshare folks like to dish the dirt. Y’all are some dirty birdies. Let’s start with the most East-Nashville one of all: The Lyft driver who refused a ride – make that two – because the passengers didn’t buy him pizza!

This happened in East Nashville on Monday night:

“Sooo… My friend and I got picked up by a Lyft from the East Room and we decided to stop by Five Points and get some pizza. So the Lyft driver pulls up and we get out, order our slices and we asked if we could eat them in the car. He said no at first and then told us we could just get in. So we hopped in and he pulls up two inches and said “You know what, I’m just going to cancel this ride and you guys can get another Lyft. You guys didn’t even offer to buy me pizza and I think that is just so rude. So you can get out now.” At first I was taken back and I thought he was joking but he wasn’t so we got out and he drove away. Then, as if it didn’t get any better… The other people standing outside of Five Points had requested a Lyft and that same guy drove back around and pulled up to them. As he realized they all had pizzas in their hands he lied and said “I’m going to get gas” and drove away hastily, swerving out of their way and didn’t even pull into the gas station…. Well…. At least we got a free ride. We’re currently sitting at 3 Crow using the wifi and waiting for another Lyft. What a night.”

From the facebook post submitted:


Have you been denied a Lyft or Uber because you refused to buy your driver food? Tell us! If you’re the driver, we’d love to hear from you, too!

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