Clarksville Officer fired after 1000’s of sexts & explicit videos exchanged with teen on city phone

A Clarksville Field Training Officer has been fired after it was discovered he exchanged over 16,000 texts and videos, including many of a sexual nature, with a teen. Over 5,000 were exchanged while he was on-duty with a trainee who was driving him around in a patrol car. The teen initially claimed she had sex with him while he was on-duty, but later recanted her statement after it was shared widely on social media.

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Nashville nurse charged with theft, found with syringe used for rectal injections

37-year-old Lauren Towery was charged with paraphernalia, theft of property, and theft of vehicle when her boyfriend of two weeks told authorities in June that she had stolen his car. She was caught on July 13th and told officers a syringe found on her was used to inject methamphetamine rectally.

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