Nashville Vice-Mayoral Candidate is Running for Office While Out on Bond

Nashville Vice-Mayoral Candidate is Running for Office While Out on Bond

“Just take me to jail” – those are the words that Metro Nashville Police Officer Bo Branum says that Nashville Vice-Mayoral candidate Matthew Delrossi told him during a DUI arrest three years ago this month. Branum would indeed take him to jail, and book him on charges of DUI and implied consent – of which he would eventually plead to reckless driving after a grand jury indictment, and would lose his driving privileges for a year, along with being required to complete alcohol safety school, a victim impact panel, and 24 hours of community service work, along with 6 months supervised probation.

However, that would not be the only time that candidate Matt Delrossi would have his mugshot taken by Metro police – in fact, he’s currently out on bond (via Grumpy’s) for a much more recent criminal charge, while still running for Vice-Mayor of the city that arrested him.

According to court records, Matt Delrossi was arrested on April 3rd, 2018, on a charge of violating an order of protection against an ex girlfriend. The complaint reads:

The victim applied for an order of protection against the defendant (Delrossi). A court date for the order of protection was set for April 3, 2018. On Saturday March 31, 2018 the victim traveled out of state for a funeral. The victim returned to Nashville at 0500 hours on April 3, 2018 for the order of protection court hearing. While the victim was out of town her neighbor informed the victim it appeared the bedroom window of her apartment was damaged. When the victim arrived home she discovered the bedroom window was off track but it appears no entry was made. The victim attended the court hearing and a full order of protection was signed at 0941 hours preventing the defendant from contacting the victim. At 1122 hours less than two hours later the defendant sent a text message to the victim’s phone from (512) 696-8090. The victim states the defendant has had the same phone number for five years. The text message was the defendant telling the victim goodbye and insulting the victim’s boyfriend. The victim does not believe the defendant will cease to contact her.

Delrossi posted a $1,000 bond and was released from custody. Sources say he has been attending anger management classes, and the clerk’s office confirms an upcoming court date on 07/12/18 to review the status of the case.

His personal life isn’t the only place the Delrossi has caused controversy as of late. Over the weekend he launched the first negative piece of campaigning that we’ve seen in this year’s vice-mayoral election from any candidate. Early Sunday morning, Delrossi posted in an Antioch Facebook group, stating:

“Hip Antioch has 23,989 hip people. Hip Bellevue has 15,515, and honestly, [in] Bellevue most of those are people who never moved out of their parent’s house, and that’s not too hip. Sheri Weiner and Jim Shulman are both from Bellevue. I got your back Antioch!”

It a very unusual that a city-wide political candidate would pit one neighborhood of the city against another, when he would undoubtedly need the votes of all of them to win the race.

While Delrossi has a website that explains some of his political positions and even gives out his person cellphone number for anyone that has questions, his personal online social media presence & content prior to announcing his run for office is oddly non-existent. His entire Facebook content from mid September 2017 through mid June of 2018, a 9 month gap, is completely missing, even for friends. His twitter feed has a near five year gap from September 2013 to June of 2018. It’s possible he simply didn’t use social media, of course it’s also possible it was all scrubbed.

While there are no restrictions on running for vice-mayor while on bond, or despite criminal charges, it seems to be a first for the city. It is expected that the case will be concluded this Thursday in court, if all conditions have been met.

Arrest warrant for Delrossi’s Order Of Protection Violation:

Criminal History for Delrossi:

Delrossi’s DUI Arrest:

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