Convicted Murderer on Parole Arrested at Airport, Acting as Private Chauffeur

Convicted Murderer on Parole Arrested at Airport, Acting as Private Chauffeur

This story started out as a simple tip that Nashville has been cracking down on unlicensed transportation companies operating at the airport this week, as well as taking control back of the ride-share lot, which had become a wild-west of it’s own… and then it became so much more, as we realized that was only the outer layer of what was happening with a particular transportation company – and we still don’t have all of the answers. We are waiting responses from the TLC and TDOC, and will update as they are received.

On Tuesday at 3:30 PM, a ‘Judah Elite Transportation‘ company vehicle, driven by chauffeur Harold Wayne Shaw was stopped at the Nashville Airport, because Judah Transportation is not authorized to operate at the Airport. Upon making the stop, police found that driver Harold Shaw was also not authorized by the Davidson County licensing commission to operate as a chauffeur in Nashville, period.

Parolee, Convicted Murder & Kidnapper, Harold Shaw.

He was issued a trespass warning, and told that neither he, nor the company he was driving for, was allowed to operate at the airport, and to cease. He was told he would be arrested if he was found to be operating again in the future.

Six hours later, officers once again noticed a ‘Judah Transportation’ vehicle on security video picking up two airport patrons from the baggage claim level and departing the airport. The vehicle was stopped, and the driver was, once again, Harold Shaw. He refused to produce his driver’s license, and was placed into custody for criminal trespass, and taken to the metro jail, where he posted a $1,000 bond with Able Bonding. He will appear in court on 06/29 for the trespass charge, which will likely only be the first of a series of future court dates that spring from this incident.

If you’re wondering why he would never be approved as a chauffeur by the Davidson County licensing commission, Harold Shaw happens to be a convicted murder & kidnapper, who is currently out on parole under the supervision of the T.D.O.C., a sentence that doesn’t end until 2024.

By now, you’re probably wondering how any company would hire someone to work as a chauffeur that would be unable to get a chauffeur license, since being a convicted murder and kidnapper on parole would be a slight dis-qualifier for the licensing board. Perhaps it’s because that the company isn’t operating legally, either. On their website, they proudly state that “Judah Elite Transportation Services a subsidiary of Gaffney Enterprises”. There’s just one problem with that – the state dissolved & revoked the LLC for Gaffney Enterprises (and Judah) over 3 years ago, in 2015. Shaun Gaffney is the man behind Gaffney Enterprises & Judah Elite Transportation, per his own social media and the company website.

However, when we reached them by phone this morning for comment, they were in business and ready to book a private chauffeur and vehicle from their fleet, until they were asked about the arrest of their unlicensed employee, to which they said they have no idea what we were talking about, and had no further comment, before the phone call ended. We also left a message directly with Shaun, but have not heard back. We were able to verify that he does have a ‘county business license’ as Gaffney Enterprises, which is for his home address in Antioch, yet there’s no valid permit to have a business at that location, per the codes department.

The social media postings for Judah Elite Transportation, show them with a wide fleet of vehicles, and picking up clients at many places, including the airport, despite not legally being allowed to do so, currently. This is a developing story, and we expect more updates to come.

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