East Arrest: Colton Collins Wrestles Officer, Breaks Watch During DUI Arrest | Bonds Out, Re-Arrested 36 Hours Later.

Just after midnight on Monday, Colton Collins was arrested at our East Nashville Cop’s favorite DUI spot – N 11th at Gartland/Gallatin. It’s almost like no one knows this is the hottest DUI spot on the East side.

Just before 1AM Tuesday morning, Collins was observed going 50 in a 40mph zone, and not keeping his vehicle between the lines. The officer reports smelling an obvious odor of alcohol coming from the defendant’s breath, blood shot, watery eyes, and the officer noted that he suspected an additional use of an unknown narcotic as well.

Collins completed the field sobriety test, and when he was told to place his hands behind his back, he resisted and pulled away, so the officer escorted him to the ground, where they wrestled around on the street in East Nashville. Collins was able to grab the watch the officer was wearing, and break the band off, tossing it away from the struggle. Other officers arrived and assisted in getting Collins restrained and into custody. Collins refused a blood test.

Colton Collins is charged with:

  • Vandalism $1,000 or less (For the Watch) / $2,000 Bond
  • Implied Consent-Civil
  • DUI / $2,500 Bond
  • Resisting Arrest / $1,500 bond

Collins paid Grumpy’s to bond out a few hours after his arrest – HOWEVER he was re-arrested Yesterday (36 hours later) for a felony probation violation, and is once again back in custody of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department with a no bond hold for probation.

Collins had a DUI in 2015:

“The defendant caused a four vehicle crash on I-40 westbound near the 213.0 MM. Upon arrival, the defendant was still seated in his vehicle. While speaking to the defendant, your affiant noticed that his speech was slurred and he appeared to be lethargic. Your affiant had the defendant step from the vehicle. The defendant tripped and nearly fell while walking over to the shoulder of the road. When asked what narcotics the defendant had taken, the defendant stated that he took one Xanax pill this morning. Your affiant had the defendant perform the three standardized field sobriety tasks. The defendant performed poorly on two of the three tasks while showing numerous signs of impairment. While being transported to the hospital for a blood draw, the defendant passed out in the back seat. “

The defendant was in custody under the suspicion of DUI. The defendant was placed in the back seat of your affiant’s patrol vehicle. Your affiant checks the rear of the patrol vehicle every day to ensure that there is no contraband in the back seat. Your affiant noticed that the defendant had slipped his cuffs around to his front. As your affiant opened the door, your affiant noticed three hypodermic syringes in the side pocket of the door. After Miranda, the defendant stated that the syringes were in his truck and he did not want to get charged with them so he hid them. The defendant stated that he has a past history with Heroin.

Collins was on felony probation due to a 2014 arrest involving 17 grams of heroin, 308 syringes, spoons with heroin residue, marijuana and paraphernalia, selling heroin to an informant on multiple occasions, possession of a Smith and Wesson 9mm handgun, and “growing mushrooms for sale. The grow operation consisted of three plastic bins containing 24 attempts (13 in jars and 11 still in the bin). Detectives also located a notebook containing instructions on how to grow psychedelic mushrooms.”

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