Nashville Lyft Driver Flees Police, Accelerates Toward Another Officer & Pedestrians – Felony Charges | Joe Lamberson

Lyft Driver with a suspended license charged with multiple felonies after fleeing from MNPD Officers during attempted traffic stop for blocking traffic, nearly hits another officer & pedestrians with vehicle at Monday night’s Predator’s hockey game downtown.

Nashville Lyft Driver Joseph Lamberson (“Joe”) was dropping off passengers at Monday night’s Predator’s game at Bridgestone Arena when MNPD observed him blocking traffic on Demonbreun St west bound. A Uniformed MNPD officer directed him to pull into the center lane, at which time the Lyft driver, Joe Lamberson, accelerated at a high rate of speed, making a u-turn to flee from the officer.

Lamberson approached the intersection of 5th % Demonbreun where another uniformed officer was directing traffic and pedestricans due to the hockey game. This officer attempted to stop the defendant due to there being multiple pedestrians in the crosswalk attempting to cross the street – Lamberson ignored the commans to stop his black 2103 Mazda CX9 SUV and accelerated past her at an ‘extreme speed’ and came within 3 feet of striking the uniformed officer and pedestrians.

After fleeing at extreme speeds from two different uniformed officers, coming within 3 feet of striking an officer with his vehicle, he was finally stopped, and per the MNPD, a check of his drivers license status shows as suspended.

He is charged with:

  • Drivers license suspended
  • Evading arrest with risk of death/injury
  • Reckless endangerment w/motor vehicle as weapon

Lamberson’s bond was set at $20,500 and he bonded out via Grumpy’s Monday night.

We reached out to Lyft, who said:

“This is an incredibly concerning incident. We have deactivated this driver from the Lyft platform and stand ready to assist law enforcement in any investigation.” 


We found other driving related infractions for Lamberson in Florida, where he previously lived.

His drivers license was possibly suspended in Florida previously, as the state attempted to mail him a letter to show to have the status corrected, however it was returned back to the state as deliverable.

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