Kasie Weese Wants to Tow Your Car If You Park On HER Street!

Oh East Nashville, how we have a love-hate relationship with our on-street parking.. perhaps you remember these two neighbors from the past – David Price and Kim Hussey that believed they ‘owned’ the public street parking in front of their homes. Now, to those ranks, we can add busybody nosy neighbor Kasie Weese. She describes herself as “somewhat of a neighborhood watch person” who has recently noticed that a person she didn’t recognize parked their vehicle on her street, and took an Uber to an unknown location, leaving their vehicle on ‘her’ street. She wasn’t having this, was was seeking ways to possibly have the vehicle towed, as she reached out to social media for help, which quickly backfired.

Previously featured:


Kasie Weese goes on to stipulate that “I’m not totally cold hearted. Yet I just happened to notice it twice in one week”. Describing the situation, Weese says ” Of course there are situations that are understandable, I just thought it was quite weird that twice in six days I saw the same car and just happened to witness the first time. I just happened to see her get in an Uber right after she parked her car.”


Perhaps people should realize that public street parking belongs to everyone, not just them.

And it can always be worse.

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