Hop Stop Goes Greedy w/Paid Parking & Owner Jesse Hamilton Files for Divorce (again)

If your beer isn’t selling, perhaps you have to resort to selling the only other thing of value you have – parking spaces. As of Friday, we noticed that The Hop Stop is now charging for parking: $2 PER HOUR, OR $8/ALL NIGHT. And that isn’t going over well for the customer or the neighborly businesses who share the lot that Hop Stop owns. In fact, part of the lot is used with agreement by Mickey’s Tavern next door. Mickey’s recently even offered to make needed repairs to the gravel lot, which owner Hop Stop Jesse Hamilton accepted, and Mickey’s paid Hop Stop for the repairs, which were made. That was a few months ago – and now Hop Stop paved and converted to a pay lot despite the community effort of a neighborly business.

Jesse Hamilton, owner of The Hop Stop, has responded to the article, and we have included the response below:

I love my wife, and the people who thought it was a good idea to try to embarrass me with this should be ashamed. As for the payment mentioned, the agreement is completely mischaracterized. It was in arrears for wear and tear caused to the lot, and in return I was to allow Mickey’s customers to park in the lot. That permission continues. Our agreement had no reference to paid parking. In sum, this is a shameful info-dump over $2 parking. Disgraceful

–Jesse Hamilton 09/16

Original article continues below:

Mickey’s Tavern noted on their instagram: “Bad new$!!! Hop $top has decided to $tart charging customer$ for parking. We, however, will continue to provide FREE parking in the front and sides of Nicoletto’s and along the back alley in the grass. Maybe try Lyft or Uber? That would be cheaper and safer. Thank you for choosing Mickey’s! We appreciate your business!”

Jesse Hamilton, owner of The Hop Stop, Village Pub & Beer Garden, Trinity Corner, LLC, & Hamilton Bartending Services, can’t seem to get along with neighboring businesses, his employees, or even his wife. In fact, less than 4 weeks ago, he filed for divorce from his current wife, Jane, for the SECOND TIME in THREE MONTHS. It seems not a lot is going right for The Hop Stop, or it’s young owner and his mess of LLCs and cover businesses he has to ‘manage’ his funds – RV Partners, Beth Driven LLC, Trinity Corner, just some of the many covers he uses for tax purposes – some of which are registered in Davidson County, and some of which are registered with the state, and some are not (Including the Hop Stop, not even under an assumed name). It’s important to note that in his current divorce suit, he is requesting for it to be considered a ‘short marriage’ legally, so that the wife isn’t entitled to any of his assets, and for her to be restored to the standing she had pre-marriage without any benefits derived from the marriage. They were married on 11/04/2016 with the following highlights:

  • 11/04/16 Married
  • 06/02/17 Files For Divorce 1st Time
  • 06/02/17 Issued Financial Injunction/Restraining Order
  • 07/28/17 Retracts Divorce Suit & Injunction
  • 08/18/17 Files for Divorce – 2nd Time
  • 08/18/17 Issued Financial Injunction/Restraining Order

Some time ago, Jesse, who owns adjoining properties, one under his name, and one under a business name (Trinity Corner LLC), made some changes where he actually leases some of the parking spots to himself, from himself(as Beth Driven LLC), to meet metro codes requirement on available spaces. We’ll post his emails to codes below in relation to the deal, and lease arrangement.

Early Saturday morning customers quickly took to facebook to say how they felt about the change:


The Beer Board found a violation during their August Inspection of the Hop Stop:



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