Uber Nashville Driver Posts Photo of Drunken, Passed Out Passenger, Abandons Him in Grass.

What do you do if you’re an Uber driver in Nashville, and your passenger is so drunk that after a twenty minute ride he has no idea where he’s going? Well, ideally you’d take him to the address he put as his destination in the pax app, assuming he was coherent enough to request an Uber, that much should, at least, be correct.

What did new Uber Nashville driver Chris Jamison do? Every story has two sides, and according to his post on social media this morning, where he posted photo, he was driving during a 2.7 Surge (2.7 times the normal fare amount due to high demand), he picked up a passenger in the Gulch, who was going to Mt. Juliet. Jamison claims that after 20 minutes of trying to find out what hotel he was staying at, the passenger ‘jumped’ out of his car and passed out in the grass.

Related: The Ultimate Uber/Lyft Guide to Nashville Strip Club Kickbacks (Cash Money)

It is unclear what happened next, or how the passenger ‘jumped’ from his car, or if this was the destination he put in – or why he was just left there, passed out. Did he need medical attention? Could he have alcohol poisoning? Was he diabetic? Was any help called for him, or anyone notified that he was essentially ‘dumped’ on their property? Questions remain about how the ride ended and if this was the proper way to handle the situation. We’ve reached out to Uber & will update the story as more information becomes available.

If you’re going to get pass out drunk, it’s probably best to make sure your Uber driver has your destination location before you pass out.

Stay classy, Nashville.

UPDATE 11AM: Passenger is still missing from home. His wife contacted the Uber driver, Chris Jamison, to say that he never made it to work today. If anyone sees a random person passed out in the grass, please help him.

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