The DogSpot East Nashville: Weekend Remodel to Combat Complaints?

Overnight, The Dog Spot (East Nashville) began tearing down inner walls and barriers, in the dog play areas. Using crowbars and hammers, the concrete blocks starting coming down. Today, they’re going back up to create new inner spaces. It appears a huge remodel / new layout is currently underway. No doubt, this is in response to the customer (and city wide) backlash to a dog dying in their care recently, due to it being allowed to play with a much larger dog.

Here’s some photos of the work in progress:

Will these changes have any effect on the policy of keeping all 1-30 pound dogs grouped together? Would you still let your small dog play at The Dog Spot with the new changes? Will more play areas actually mean more monitoring, by more staff? We doubt that the Baker Twins will change their ways, as they have not in all the years they’ve been in East Nashville.

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