Brady Morris (friend of Brett Withers, OutCentral Board Member) – from Drunk Driver to Animal Murderer?

We got a tip last week about Brady Morris, who is a Nashville ‘Urban Farmer’ (and we use this term ever so loosely), Nashville OUT Central Board of Directors Member, and friend of Metro Councilman Brett Withers. It appeared to be some anger issues – essentially he got pissed and killed one of his Roosters and ate it out of spite – not because he was hungry or needed the food or any legitimate reason, but because he got mad at the Rooster and wanted to show it who was in charge.

small bradyOn the surface we passed on the tip, as the info provided wasn’t all that interesting – however on a second review this week, we dug a little deeper and found out that not only did he have what appears to be some anger management issues – but he also has a problem with Drinking and Driving – going back MANY years – in fact we can’t figure out how he’s avoided jail soo many times – but now we’re curious, and asking questions. It seems that consequences have been avoided many times when they should have been applied.


So, who choked his chicken? Brady Morris choked his chicken, or rooster, in this case as it may be. Then he began to post it’s internal organs and body parts on his personal Facebook page – most of which we have declined to show due to graphic nature:

brady kills wynona

Brady posts:

“For everyone following the hens, I’m sad to report that Wynonna’s life came to an abrupt end today. As I was collecting eggs just a few minutes ago, he snuck up behind me and flogged me a couple of times completely unprovoked. When he came at me for the 3rd time I caught him by his neck and that was the end of Wynonna. I will be getting another hen and will name her Wynonna in his honor though. Sad day.”

He was very unapologetic, noting that even the chickens didn’t care that he killed their rooster:

wyn gone

And not only did he kill his rooster, but he posted photos of it’s internal organs online, we have chosen a single image and blurred it, but you should get the idea:

balls blurred

Exactly what we’d look for in a Board Member for a gay rights organization, right? Someone who treats animals like this should absolutely be trusted to help promote the rights of other humans, too, right?

brady biz card

So in addition to the anger clearly displayed above, below is the basic overview of the charges filed against Brady over the past few years –  as you can see he was given chance after chance after chance – but where has that gotten him? Apparently DUI after DUI after DUI. Maybe if he had completed more DUI punishment/reform, his anger issues would have been resolved, and his Rooster would still be alive? His friend, Brett Withers, Metro Councilman, also has his own DUI troubles.

Here’s the details of those above charges, with dispositions, reduced charges, and more:

[embeddoc url=””]

Now, we get to the good details of some of the charges, starting with the earliest, 02/2009:

[embeddoc url=””]

Then we move on to 08/2013:

[embeddoc url=””]

So the above charge was on 8/29/13 – just ONE day before Brady was taking an ABC class about – you guessed it – properly serving alcohol and not serving to intoxicated guests, etc.. Obviously he didn’t pay attention to the consequences as less than 24 hours later he was once again arrested for DUI, seen above.

08.28.13 abc class

On the day after the arrest, Brady was admitted to a hospital for several days for a suicide attempt:

08.29.13 suicide attempt

There is one charge that doesn’t have the detail provided on the public record, so we jump to the most recent, almost exactly a year ago, 02/2015 :

[embeddoc url=””]

What was he doing just before the above incident? Here are the photos from just a couple of hours before, according to his facebook – yep, getting drunk at Play Dance Bar on Church St.

02.12.15 play dance bar drunk

And clearly still intoxicated just moments before his arrest:

02.12.15 love all

It should be noted that according to CJIS records, total costs of $3651.60 are still due – we did some math, and at $3.50/dozen, that’s only 1,044 cartons of eggs to be sold to cover court costs & fines due to Metro Nashville.


Of course, you may be wondering how Brady relates to our great little East Nashville, specifically? Well he threw himself into the mix when he started being a mouthpiece for Metro Councilman Brett Withers:

brady and withers post

Brady Morris writes:

I went back and forth about making this post public or not because after I wrote it, I thought it a little pretentious of me to think anyone would want to hear my opinion, however, I did publicly say I was disappointed and therefore I need to post that I have changed my mind.

So tonight I met with Councilman Brett Withers and we had a very open, candid discussion about the proposed ordinance for his district that would keep events at a “historic venue” contained in the walls of said historic venue and not out on the grounds within public sight or hearing. After a very long discussion, I’m happy to say I was very, very wrong about his proposal and feel the residents of East Nashville are lucky to have him representing them on the Metro Council. In our discussion, I realized that if I were to move into an area zoned as residential, I would buy that property with the expectation of being able to do what I want, when I want in my back yard. If I were to buy a property and one day wanted to go out into my backyard and have a BBQ, but then realized there was a wedding happening next door of 130+ people, I’m that respectful person that would not fire up my grill and add stress and discord with the wedding party next door, that’s just the right thing to do. However, if this were happening EVERY OTHER DAY of my summer and I’m not getting to enjoy my own property that I have purchased as a residential and not commercial property, I do believe I would begin to get more than frustrated. The ordinance Councilman Withers has proposed for East Nashville is not only wise for the residents, but it’s just plum fair in my humble opinion.

PS I’m a little disappointed in some of my friends for making fun of this guy on my last post. I know you all well and know you all didn’t mean it personally, but we must each remember that these people are PEOPLE and deserve the same respect of us appreciating their individuality as we demand others do for our own. Love y’all!!!”

Which is odd, because just days earlier, he posted this about Withers 0nly after meeting him one night at what appeared to be a bar, did his mind change from this. We have to wonder what happened that night to change his mind to follow without question:


So, there you have it – newly elected OutCentral Board Member, Brady Morris – HIV Advocate, convicted drunk driver – several times over – friend of councilman Brett Withers, and now self-admitted killer of his own animal. Such an impressive resume for a Board Member of a gay rights organization, wouldn’t you agree? By the way – if you didn’t read the embedded PDFs with the charges and the sentences that were imposed, you missed half the story, go back and read them, and ask yourself, was he reformed by virtually no punishment?

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