Woman makes husband walk home when he gets out of the car mad after an argument

Woman makes husband walk home when he gets out of the car mad after an argument

29-year-old Issac Thomas faces domestic assault and vandalism charges after his wife says he got out of the car during an argument and began to walk home, while she drove. He then called asking to be picked up, but she refused. She says once he finally arrived he assaulted her and broke her phone.

Metro Nashville Police responded to Andrew Jackson Courts at 11 p.m. on June 7th on a report of a domestic disturbance. They met with Lakeisha Begley, who said her husband, Issac Thomas, got out of the car they were riding in after an argument and began to walk home. She continued driving home, and at some time later, he called from Jack’s BBQ to ask her to come to get him – but she refused.

Issac Thomas (MNPD)
Issac Thomas (MNPD)

Once Issac eventually arrived home, she says he immediately began a physical altercation during which he scratched her left shoulder and arm. He also threw a punch at her which she was able to block with her phone, causing it to shatter. As she was able to escape the altercation to the outside of the home, she says Issac took her phone and tossed it down the stairs, causing it to break further. She then retreated to a friend’s home to call the police.

Issac J. Thomas was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with vandalism and domestic assault. He is free on a $1,500 bond and scheduled to appear in court later this month.

Thomas, IssacGS9450321402 IRELAND ST
Nashville, TN 37208
Free At LastVandalism $1,000 or less
Thomas, IssacGS9450311402 IRELAND ST
Nashville, TN 37208
Free At LastAsl, Dom Bod Inju

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