Upset man throws cell phone at officer after contacting Mobile Crisis

Upset man throws cell phone at officer after contacting Mobile Crisis

32-year-old David Cook was charged with assault on an officer after he requested to speak to the Mobile Crisis Unit and when officers were standing around him, he became upset and threw his cell phone striking one officer in the chest.

On July 25th, police responded to the defendant, David Cook, at 1911 Warfield Drive due to his making suicidal statements. When they arrived, Cook was verbally aggressive towards them and requested to speak to Mobile Crisis.

David Cook (MNPD)
David Cook (MNPD)

Cook was outside speaking to Mobile Crisis on the cellular phone and officers were standing six to seven feet away from him, via the report. This upset Cook so he threw the cellphone and struck Officer Juarez in her chest. He then began to argue with his father before the police decided to place him into custody. Reportedly, Officer Juarez did not sustain any injuries during the incident.

David Cook was arrested and charged with assault on a police officer. His bond was set at $1,500.

Cook, David5390191911 WARFIELD DR
Nashville, TN 37215
Assault of Officer

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