Elderly liquor store clerk shoots man in back; says he was running out with booze

Elderly liquor store clerk shoots man in back; says he was running out with booze

88-year-old May Boyce was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after she told officers “she knew based on his demeanor” a man intended to steal some brown liquor. Boyce says he ran toward the exit, the victim said his friend “One Eye” was paying for the booze. Boyce shot Ramon Fisher in the lower back.

On June 16th, Metro Nashville officers responded to a shooting at the Murfreesboro Road Liquor and Wines located on 1187 Murfreesboro Pike. According to the affidavit, a report earlier for a stabbing at the same location was also received. Text from both emergency calls advised that a six-foot-tall black male in a dark green polo and a black towel around his neck was secured, by an uninvolved third-party, in a white Nissan SUV which then departed the scene. Investigators found a blood trail indicating that Ramon Fisher had moved away from the liquor store, through the parking lot and attempted to trek inbound on Murfreesboro Pike. Ultimately Fisher was dropped off at 619 Millwood Drive approximately .9 miles from the scene. Detectives spoke with the injured man at Vanderbilt hospital after he had been transported by emergency medical services.

May Boyce told authorities that two black men walked to the back of the store where the vodka is located, another male approached the counter “in such a manner that she felt they were going to steal from her”. At this point, she grabbed her gun and began to remove the cloth covering it. One man asked for brown liquor and Ramon Fisher secured two bottles. Boyce testified to officers that she “knew based on Fisher’s demeanor that he was going to steal the liquor”. When Boyce faced Fisher at the counter, she claims he lunged at her “in a manner that made her think he might push her down” and ran toward the exit. Boyce said she “possibly” shouted “stop!” and pointed the gun to the ground, firing one time. Fisher yelled that he was shot, fell into bottles and another man rushed to assist him out the door.

May Boyce (MNPD)
May Boyce (MNPD)

Officer Jefferson Hughes’ report states that Fisher was already on medication when he admitted to officers that he “had been drinking and using cocaine”. The report also claims Fisher told officers that he and three others went into the store to “steal some liquor” and while he was attempting to steal May Boyce shot him in the back. In contrast, when interviewed the next day, Ramon Fisher told detectives he did not intend on stealing and that his friend “One Eye” was going to purchase the booze. Fisher also denies “running” until after he was shot in the lower back and was carried out of the liquor store.

88-year-old May Boyce was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Her bond was set at $10,000.

Boyce, May3482175011 WYOMING AVE
Nashville, TN 37209
Agg Assault – Deadly Weapon

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