Metro issues citations to Kid Rock’s Bar +13 other businesses for violating COVID-19 health orders

Metro issues citations to Kid Rock’s Bar +13 other businesses for violating COVID-19 health orders

The Metro Nashville Health Department has cited Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk Bar and 13 additional businesses for being out of compliance with emergency Health Department Orders. Dr. Caldwell visited Kid Rock’s after receiving a complaint about the bar on Friday night.  The citation was issued last night and a decision on the amount of the fine will be made during the court appearance.

Dr. Michael Caldwell, Director of the Metro Public Health Department, has issued a citation to Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk Bar for being out of compliance with Public Health Emergency Order 6. Kid Rock’s has been cited for serving people that were seated at the bar and for not observing proper social distancing inside the establishment. Dr. Caldwell visited Kid Rock’s after receiving a complaint about the bar on Friday night.  The citation was issued last night and a decision on the amount of the fine will be made during the court appearance.

Kid Rock’s Bar, taken Friday night.

Dr. Caldwell and other health officials have had previous meetings with the management of Kid Rock’s to provide guidance on what is and is not allowed by the establishment to protect against the potential spread of the COVID-19.

Health officials cited 13 other businesses on Friday for being out of compliance with Public Health Emergency Order 4 and Order 6.

Public Health Emergency Order 4 requires business establishments to post signage asking customers to wear a facial covering and requires employees to wear a facial covering when interacting with the public.

Business Cited on June 12

51st Deli1314 51st AVE NOrder 4
Honky Tonk Central329 BroadwayOrder 6
Jonathan’s Grille717 3rd Ave NOrder 4
Jonathan’s Grille7653 Hwy 70 SOrder 6
Nashville Underground105 BroadwayOrder 6
Popeye’s3550 Murfreesboro PKOrder 4
Sam’s Bar & Grill2001 Lakeshore DROrder 6
Scoreboard Bar & Grill2408 Music Valley DROrder 6
Sonic7679 Hwy 70 SOrder 4
Sperry’s5109 Harding PKOrder 4 and Order 6
Taco Bell4000 Nolensville PKOrder4 and Order 6
Thai Phooket915 Rivergate PKWYOrder 4
Wingstop127 Gallatin PK NOrder 4

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